Welcome to the Teacher’s Guide to the Collins practice tests book for Cambridge English Qualifi cations A1 Movers.
This guide contains a comprehensive overview of each section of Cambridge English Qualifi cations A1 Movers to help teachers and students to understand how the test works. It is also full of tips and ideas to help students to prepare for the test and contains the answer keys to the tests in the practice tests book scripts for the Speaking papers and audio scripts of the online recordings.

Vocabulary practice.
At the back of this guide, you will fi nd a list of all the vocabulary in the A1 Movers syllabus. Use the topic-by-topic list with the games below to focus on particular areas of vocabulary that your students need practice in. Some topics regularly appear in specifi c parts of each paper (see pages 6–23 for advice on this), so you can use the games below to provide extra practice in these areas.
Some American equivalent words are included in the vocabulary list. Although the British variant will be used in texts, students may need to understand the American words in some of the other parts of the test.
The vocabulary list also includes the names that students will need to recognise at this level. Include them in activities throughout the course.
Guide to Cambridge English Qualifications A1 Movers.
Tips for students on test day.
Vocabulary practice.
Key to tests.
Vocabulary list.
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Дата публикации:
Хештеги: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык
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- Complete, Preliminary for Schools, Teachers Book, B1, Fricker R., 2019
- Gold, Preliminary, Teachers Book, Walsh C., Warwick L., 2013
- Compact, Preliminary for Schools, B1, Teachers Book, Elliott S., Thomas A., 2019
- Complete, Key For Schools, Teachers Book, A2, Fricker R., 2019
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- Fun Skills 5, Home Booklet, O’Farrell R., 2020
- Fun Skills 5, Teachers Book, Bilsborough K., 2020
- Fun Skills 6, Teachers Book, Dimond-Bayir S., 2020
- Fun Skills 3, Teachers Book, Robinson A., 2020