The Advanced Learners’ Grammar is a comprehensive advanced level grammar of the English language with cross-referenced practice exercises and a full set of diagnostic tests.

Solving the Mystery of Hieroglyphics.
For almost two thousand years the symbols and inscriptions which people had carved onto the great monuments of ancient Egypt were a complete mystery. They were obviously a kind of writing, but nobody knew what they meant.
Then, in 1799, a French officer discovered a strange stone in the small Egyptian town of Rosetta. It had three types of writing carved into its surface. One of the languages was Greek but the other two were unknown. A year later the British captured the stone and the British moved it to the British Museum in London.
For twenty years the stone lay gathering dust in the museum. Then in 1822 somebody asked a French scientist named Jean Francois Champollion to look at the stone. He immediately recognised that some of the symbols matched those he had seen on monuments in Egypt. By comparing the Greek words with the Egyptian symbols he was able to work out their meaning. The Egyptian symbols were hieroglyphs, a type of writing in which pictures represent sounds and meanings.
Diagnostic tests 1-36.
1 Present tenses.
2 Past tenses.
3 Past to present tenses.
4 The future (1).
5 The future (2).
6 Negation.
20 Confusing verbs.
21 Adjectives.
22 Comparison.
23 Gradable and ungradable adjectives.
24 Adverbs.
25 Nouns and noun phrases.
26 Possessives and compound nouns.
27 Pronouns.
28 Determiners.
29 Prepositions.
30 Word order and verb patterns.
31 Relative clauses.
32 Contrast.
33 Introductory there and it.
34 Emphatic structures and inversion.
35 Aspects of cohesion.
36 Features of discourse.
Key to diagnostic tests.
Key to practice exercises.
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