Фрагмент из книги:
When I arrived on set to interview Paul Lacovara one afternoon, he looked exhausted. That was probably to be expected, given that he'd spent the morning jumping off buildings and being beaten up. Paul is a stunt double, the unknown star of films such as Thor and The Avengers. His career began ten years ago. Since childhood, Paul had always wanted to be either an actor or a fighter pilot, His maths had never been good enough for a career in flying, but he managed to get a job as an extra in the film We Were Soldiers. He turned out to be the perfect stunt double for action films - mainly because, in the months before starting work, he had been learning martial arts and training as a bodybuilder. He hadn't been doing the job for very long when he was noticed by the director - and his career took off from there. Within ten years, he had won an award for his stunt work and had received nominations for two more. And amazingly, he still has a 100% accident-free record!

Exam Skills Trainer.
Read the text. Match questions 1-6 with paragraphs A-C. Each paragraph matches with two questions.
In which paragraph does the author mention...
1 an art form that was enjoyed by large numbers of ordinary people?
2 an actor who was awarded a prize?
3 an attitude that might prevent a play from happening?
4 an industry that took advantage of a situation?
5 a performance intended to make people laugh? _
6 an intrusion on the privacy of many performers?
Celebrity through the ages
In ancient times, fame was reserved for the strong and powerful: monarchs or great warriors, whose actions had a direct impact on their fellow countrymen. One exception was a Roman slave, Quintus Roscius Gallus (126-62 BC), who was famous for his comic imitations of the members of the Forum. Not only did Roscius succeed in making sufficient money from his acting to buy his own freedom, but he was also presented with a gold ring by the Emperor, a remarkable honour for an actor in Ancient Rome, where the profession was looked down on.
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Exam Skills Trainer.
Read the text. Match questions 1-6 with paragraphs A-C. Each paragraph matches with two questions.
In which paragraph does the author mention...
1 an art form that was enjoyed by large numbers of ordinary people?
2 an actor who was awarded a prize?
3 an attitude that might prevent a play from happening?
4 an industry that took advantage of a situation?
5 a performance intended to make people laugh? _
6 an intrusion on the privacy of many performers?
Celebrity through the ages
In ancient times, fame was reserved for the strong and powerful: monarchs or great warriors, whose actions had a direct impact on their fellow countrymen. One exception was a Roman slave, Quintus Roscius Gallus (126-62 BC), who was famous for his comic imitations of the members of the Forum. Not only did Roscius succeed in making sufficient money from his acting to buy his own freedom, but he was also presented with a gold ring by the Emperor, a remarkable honour for an actor in Ancient Rome, where the profession was looked down on.
Read the text. Match questions 1-6 with paragraphs A-C. Each paragraph matches with two questions.
In which paragraph does the author mention...
1 an art form that was enjoyed by large numbers of ordinary people?
2 an actor who was awarded a prize?
3 an attitude that might prevent a play from happening?
4 an industry that took advantage of a situation?
5 a performance intended to make people laugh? _
6 an intrusion on the privacy of many performers?
Celebrity through the ages
In ancient times, fame was reserved for the strong and powerful: monarchs or great warriors, whose actions had a direct impact on their fellow countrymen. One exception was a Roman slave, Quintus Roscius Gallus (126-62 BC), who was famous for his comic imitations of the members of the Forum. Not only did Roscius succeed in making sufficient money from his acting to buy his own freedom, but he was also presented with a gold ring by the Emperor, a remarkable honour for an actor in Ancient Rome, where the profession was looked down on.
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Хештеги: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Tim Falla :: #Paul A Davies
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