The Oxford History of Poetry in English (OHOPE) aims to offer a fresh, multi-voiced, and comprehensive survey of its vast and complicated topic: from Anglo-Saxon poetry through contemporary British, Irish, American, and Global poetry, including English, Scottish, and Welsh poetry, Anglo-American colonial and post-colonial poetry, and poetry in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, India, Africa, Asia, and other locales.

The Chaucer Tradition.
The range of Chaucers poetic oeuvre is astonishing. It embraces elegy (both lyrics and longer narratives with inset lyrics), romance, tragedy, hagiography, petitionary poetry (both secular and religious), fabliau, satire, exemplary moral narrative, and animal fable. Plenty of individual works by fifteenth-century poets exploit Chaucerian possibilities, but only one, very large fifteenth-century poetic corpus, that of Lydgate, takes shape fundamentally within the range of possibilities opened by Chaucer.
Chaucer was acclaimed before he died. Precisely given that incipient fame, it was essential for early fifteenth-century poets to enlist Chaucer's reputation by way of promoting their own work. Throughout his career, the Benedictine monk John Lydgate (cl 370-1449/50) evokes Chaucers name, and defines especially his rhetorical achievement. Rhetorically brilliant, exceptionally wide in his range, generous and generative, and, Should we, however, take Lydgate at his word? Might we rather be able to redescribe this posture of stumbling ineptitude as a modesty topos produced by a much closer relation to centres of political power?
List of Abbreviations.
List of Contributors.
Editorial Note.
1. Introduction 1.
Julia Boffey & A.S.G. Edwards.
2. Contexts of English Poetry 1400-1500 David Rundle.
3. Literary Traditions: Continuity and Change James Simpson.
4. Translation into English Marco Nievergelt.
5. Literary Language Jenni Nuttall.
6. Verse Forms and Prosody Eric Weiskott.
7. Authorship Robert J. Meyer-Lee.
8. Poetic Manuscripts.
Julia Boffey & A. S. G. Edwards.
9. Poetry in Print Sian Echard.
10. Verse Outside Books Julia Boffey.
11. Biblical Paraphrase and Poems of Religious Instruction Takami Matsuda.
12. Saints’ Lives and Miracles of the Virgin Cynthia Turner Camp.
13. Religious Lyrics and Carols Christiania Whitehead.
14. The Poetry of Religious and Moral Drama Tamara Atkin.
15. Science and Information A. S. G. Edwards.
16. Conduct Poetry Matthew Giancarlo.
17. Love Visions and Love Poetry Rory G. Critten.
18. Chronicle and History Andrew Galloway.
19. Fictions of Antiquity Venetia Bridges.
20. Fictions of Britain Aisling Byrne.
21. Fictions of Christendom and Other Late Romances Phillipa Hardman.
22. Popular Tales Ben Parsons.
23. Occasional Poetry, Popular Poetry, and the Robin Hood Tradition Helen Phillips.
24. John Lydgate Robert R. Edwards.
25. Thomas Hoccleve Sebastian Langdell.
26. Robert Henryson Joanna Martin.
27. William Dunbar Pamela M. King.
28. Transitions: After the Fifteenth Century Jane Griffiths.
Manuscript Index.
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