Cambridge English Qualificatio, C1 Advanced, Handbook for teachers for exams, 2023

Cambridge English Qualificatio, C1 Advanced, Handbook for teachers for exams, 2023.

   C1 Advanced was originally introduced in 1991 and is a high-level qualification that is officially recognised by universities, employers and governments around the world. It proves that a candidate has a high level of English for use in academic or professional settings.

Cambridge English Qualificatio, C1 Advanced, Handbook for teachers for exams, 2023

Tips for preparing learners for the Writing paper.
Candidates write most effectively when they choose tasks and topics suited to their interests and experience. When preparing your students for the examination, it is important to make sure they are familiar with the paper and the range of task types and topics. Your students will benefit from guidance on the particular features of each task type, and on appropriate style and tone for different purposes and target readers.

Train your students to read the questions carefully, to highlight or underline the most important parts, and then to plan an answer which addresses all the points required by the task. This will help them produce well-structured and appropriately balanced answers which deal adequately with each point they need to address.

About Cambridge.
C1 Advanced – an overview.
Exam support.
About the exam.
Paper 1: Reading and Use of English.
Preparing learners.
Advice by task.
Sample paper and assessment.
Paper 2: Writing.
Preparing learners.
Advice by task.
Sample paper and assessment.
Paper 3: Listening.
Preparing learners.
Advice by task.
Sample paper and assessment.
Paper 4: Speaking.
Preparing learners.
Advice by task.
Sample paper and assessment.
Speaking assessment glossary of terms.

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