For the student.
Just Listening and Speaking (Intermediate) is part of an integrated series of books designed for you to study on your own, or together with other students and a teacher. It will help you improve your listening and speaking skills in English. We have chosen the listening extracts and speaking tasks carefully to offer an interesting and challenging mix of topics and activities. With the listening extracts there are exercises to help you understand them and learn new language from them. In the speaking activities we help you do the tasks successfully. You can also listen to other people doing the same tasks.

6. How would you say the following slogans from the end of four radio commercials? Practise saying them as enthusiastically as you can.
a. The Galaxy Pronto! The car everyone's talking about!
b. Come and see us at the Rialto restaurant. We're here to serve you.
с. For a great day out visit the Russia Park. You won't regret it.
d. Don't delay! Buy your new computer today.
PART A: Listening.
Listening 1. Working in a man's world.
Listening 2. On the lawn.
Listening 3. The parachute jump.
Listening 4. Commercials.
Listening 5. The questionnaire.
Listening 6. Types of holiday.
Listening 7. Travel announcements.
Listening 8. 'Making myself homeless' (a song).
Listening 9. Looking round a house.
Listening 10. Murder mystery.
Listening 11. Haunted house.
Listening 12. Weather forecast.
Listening 13. The tango.
Listening 14. Irritation.
Listening 15. The line-up.
Listening 16. Here is the news.
Listening 17. Scientists and film makers.
Listening 18. Reactions.
Listening 19. Watching the match.
Listening 20. Which Susan?
PART B: Speaking.
Speaking 1. Interview role-play.
Speaking 2. Telling stories.
Speaking 3. The tourism debate.
Speaking 4. Drawing homes.
Speaking 5. Interviewing a portrait.
Speaking 6. Marianne's dream.
Speaking 7. What can you remember?
Speaking 8. What are they saying?
Speaking 9. The invitation.
Speaking 10. Story reconstruction.
Audioscript: Answer key.
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