Grammatically Correct, The Writer’s Essential Guide to Punctuation, Spelling, Style, Usage and Grammar, Stilman A., 1997

Grammatically Correct, The Writer’s Essential Guide to Punctuation, Spelling, Style, Usage and Grammar, Stilman A., 1997.

  This book is not as comprehensive as some of the others out there because I have chosen to concentrate on those areas that I know, from my years as an editor, to be the ones where writers are likeliest to need help. Many aspects of the language are intuitively understood by almost everybody, and it seems a waste of people’s time to review what they are almost certain to already know. Those style guides that take the approach of “leave nothing out” are unquestionably the right choice for anyone learning English as a second language or with an interest in acquiring an academic understanding of how the language works. The readership I am envisioning, however, consists of individuals who already know English well and just want some specific answers on tricky topics. As it is, I realize that many readers will already have a firm handle on much of the material presented here, but I have attempted to provide answers to—or at least reassurance on—the most probable questions.

Grammatically Correct, The Writer’s Essential Guide to Punctuation, Spelling, Style, Usage and Grammar, Stilman A., 1997

Many of the variant spellings in the English language are due to the differing styles of the United States and Britain. For staunch upholders of either the American or the Anglo tradition, the “right” way to spell something will be unambiguous; however, in many parts of the world the path is murkier. (Canadians in particular, with geographical proximity to one country and historical ties to the other, have adapted a hybrid style that borrows from both.).

The following describes several categories of differences between American and British spellings. In general—there are many exceptions—American style is to remove letters not necessary for pronunciation, while British style is to retain traditional spellings, which are often more complex.

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