Пособие предназначено для студентов и аспирантов факультетов иностранных языков и филологических факультетов университетов. Пособие может служить в качестве справочного материала для учителей средней школы и всех изучающих английский язык или работающих с ним.
Настоящее пособие открывает серию учебных пособий по наиболее трудным разделам английской грамматики.
Во 2-е издание включены упражнения, которые снабжены ключами.

The Use of Articles with Countable Nouns Modified by Attributive Clauses.
Attributive clauses fall into two groups:
1) Attributive clauses can be removed from the sentence without destroying its meaning. They are marked by a pause separating them from the principal clause. In writing they may be separated by a comma. These clauses are never joined to the principal clause asyn-detically. Clauses of this kind are always descriptive and do not influence the choice of the article. So the use of the article is determined by other factors (the context or other attributes).
e.g. She told me that she had discovered a wonderful young man, who was going to help her in the East End.
She asked me another question, which I did not hear.
She made a sarcastic joke, to which I replied in kind.
On her sofa there was a note-book open, in which she was preparing her lessons for the term.
But in the office, where I spent so many desert hours, he became a man, a feeling and breathing man.
2) Other attributive clauses are so closely connected with the antecedent that they cannot be left out without destroying the meaning of the sentence. There is no pause between this kind of clause and the principal clause and in writing they are never marked off by a comma. Such clauses may be joined to the principal clause either by connective words or asyndetically. Attributive clauses of this kind may be limiting or descriptive depending on the situation or context.
I. Introduction.
The functions of articles with common nouns.
II. The use of articles with countable nouns.
1. General rules for the use of articles with countable nouns.
2. The use of the defenite article with countable nouns.
3. The generic function of the defenite article.
4. The use of articles with countable nouns in some syntactic patterns.
III. The use of articles with uncountable nouns.
1. The use of articles with uncountable abstract nouns.
2. The use of articles with uncountable concrete nouns (names of materials).
IV. The use of articles with some semantic groups of nouns.
1. Names of parts of the day.
2. Names of seasons.
3. Names of meals.
4. Certain countable nouns in their phraseological use.
V. The use of articles with nouns denoting unique objects.
VI. The use of articles with proper names.
1. The use of articles with names of persons.
2. The use of articles with geographic names.
3. The use of articles with miscellaneous proper names.
VII. The place of articles.
Key to exercises.
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