This coursed escribesa step-by-stepa pproach to writing essaysfo r the IELIS Academic \Writing Module Task 2 and for other similar essay tasks. It provides exercisesto practiset he stagesi ndividually (Appendix A) asw ell as giving a list of rypical essayt opics, and there are model essaysg iven in Appendix B. The Answer Key provides explanations as well as answers.

The "What if Not" Situation.
It can happen that you are faced with a question that you have never thought about at all, and where it is difficult to think of concrete examples. Remember, however, that the examiners select topics which have been considered controversial by many people and that there is always a social context for these questions. Imagine, for example, that you get a question about whether you think the government should fund more research into the causes of cancer. All you know is that cancer is dangerous and kills many people. How are you going to write at least 250 words on this question?
The first step is to think about why anyone would suggest this question. There are two components to the question: a) the problem of cancer and b) the question of funding for research — who should do it? It may be very difficult for you to say anything sensible in answer to the first question if you do not know any facts about cancer.
Stage 1 The Question.
1. Understanding the Question.
1.1 The Instructions.
1.2 Key Terms.
2. Analysing the Question.
2.1 Finding the Focus.
2.2 Understanding the Context.
2.3 Defining the Terms.
Stage 2 Selecting and Presenting Ideas.
3. Finding Ideas.
3.1 Brainstorming.
3.2 Finding More Ideas.
3.3 Using Examples.
3.4 The “What if Not” Situation.
3.5 Looking at the Other Side.
4. Selecting Ideas.
4.1 Solutions to Problems.
4.2 Evaluation.
4.3 Classification of Ideas.
4.4 Types of Classification.
4.5 Selecting Relevant Ideas.
4.6 Level of Generalisation.
4.7 Overgeneralisations and Exaggeration.
5. Organising Ideas.
5.1 Ranking Ideas.
5.2 Consequences.
5.3 Comparisons.
5.4 Alternatives.
5.5 Speculation.
Stage 3 Writing.
6. Using the Right Grammar, Vocabulary and Style.
6.1 Grammar.
6.2 Vocabulary.
7. The Sections of the Essay.
7.1 The Introduction.
7.1.1 Grammar and Vocabulary in the Introduction.
7.2 The Body.
7.2.1 Vocabulary in the Body.
7.3 The Conclusion.
7.3.1 Grammar and Vocabulary in the Conclusion.
8. Style.
8.1 Modifiers.
8.2 Overgeneralisation.
8.3 Overemphasis.
8.4 Understatement and Confusion.
8.5 Waffle.
8.6 Formulaic and Thoughtless Writing.
8.7 Immature Writing.
8.8 Cultural Differences in Style.
9. Proof-reading.
10. Appearance.
Answer Key.
Appendix A.
Appendix В.
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