This book has been designed to meet the requirements of students whose mother tongue is not English. Its main purpose is to help to correct the common mistakes to which foreign learners of English are liable.
Much care has been given to the preparation of the Index, which it is hoped will make the book a useful work ol reference.

Use of the gerund.
Use the gerund (and not the infinitive):
1 After prepositions.
Examples: He worked without stopping. She played instead of working.
2 After words which regularly take a preposition, such as fond of, insist on, tired of, succeed in.
Examples: I’m tired of doing the work again. He succeeded in catching the rat.
3 After certain verbs, such as avoid, enjoy, finish, stop, risk, excuse.
Examples: They enjoy playing football. The wind has stopped blowing.
4 After the adjectives busy and worth.
Examples: Lena was busy writing a book. This date is worth remembering.
5 After certain phrases, such as it’s no use, it’s no good, I can’t help, would you mind, look forward to. Examples: I think it's no use trying again. I can’t help feeling angry about it.
Have another look at.
Prepositions after certain words.
Use of the gerund.
Use of certain tenses.
Third person singular, simple present.
Indefinite article.
Verb to BE.
Definite article.
Correct order of words.
Use of certain prepositions.
Use of will and shall.
Singular and plural.
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