Test Your Vocabulary for FCE is part of the popular Test Your series devised by Peter Watcyn-Jones. Specially written for students preparing for Cambridge First Certificate, it features 60 enjoyable tests to practise the key vocabulary areas covered in the exam. Tips and information boxes, clear explanations and a full answer key make this new book in the series even more user-friendly.

Picture description.
Cover up the pictures opposite and read the following description. Try to remember as much as possible. Then cover this page and look at the pictures. Decide which one is being described.
I'm looking at a picture of a tropical beach. I can see a couple of people, one of them leaning against a palm tree which is on the left of the picture. There's a creature - I think it's a lizard -climbing up the tree, and in the bottom right-hand corner I can see something which looks like a crab. In the foreground there's a boat and, behind the boat in the middle-distance there seem to be some dolphins playing in the water. In the middle distance, roughly in the middle of the picture, there's a small island. In the far distance, on the horizon, there's a ship moving towards the left of the picture. In the top left-hand corner there's an aeroplane and to the right of the aeroplane, there's a flock of birds, probably seagulls. It looks very peaceful and relaxing.
To the student.
Section 1 General vocabulary.
1. Likes and dislikes.
2. Actions.
3. Comparison and contrast.
4. Confusing words.
5. Make, do and take.
6. Get 1.
7. Get 2.
8. Abstract nouns.
9. Adjectives formed from nouns and verbs.
10. Directions.
11. Location.
12. Changes.
13. Opposites 1.
14. Opposites 2.
15. Opposites 3.
16. Prepositions.
17. Shapes and features.
18. Time.
Section 2 Topic vocabulary.
19. Clothes and fashion 1.
20. Clothes and fashion 2.
21. Describing personality.
22. Friends and relations 1.
23. Friends and relations 2.
24. Travel and holidays 1.
25. Travel and holidays 2.
26. Travel and holidays 3.
27. Accommodation 1.
28. Accommodation 2.
29. Animals and plants.
30. Geography and the natural world.
31. Town and country.
32. Weather.
33. History and politics.
34. Law and order.
35. Education 1.
36. Education 2.
37. Language learning.
38. The environment.
39. Cinema and theatre.
40. Entertainment.
41. Media.
42. Music.
43. Sport.
44. Free time activities.
45. Health and exercise.
46. Food.
47. Physical appearance.
48. Personal life and experience.
49. Routine.
50. Shopping and consumer goods.
51. Services and facilities.
52. Work 1.
53. Work 2.
Section 3 Exam tasks.
54. Picture description.
55. Interview expressions.
56. Writing a letter.
57. Writing a story.
58. Writing a report.
59. Writing a composition or article.
60. Writing about a set text.
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