
Keynote Upper Intermediate Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., 2016

Keynote Upper Intermediate Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., 2016.

Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinking drive students towards real 21st century outcomes and encourage them to respond to ideas and find their own voice. Both students and teachers will emerge with new confidence, new ideas and a new determination to communicate in this increasingly information-rich world of Global English.

Keynote Upper Intermediate Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., 2016
Скачать и читать Keynote Upper Intermediate Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., 2016

Keynote Proficient Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., 2016

Keynote Proficient Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., 2016.

Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinking drive students towards real 21st century outcomes and encourage them to respond to ideas and find their own voice. Both students and teachers will emerge with new confidence, new ideas and a new determination to communicate in this increasingly information-rich world of Global English.

Keynote Proficient Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., 2016
Скачать и читать Keynote Proficient Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., 2016

Keynote 3, Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., Walker R., 2017

Keynote 3, Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., Walker R., 2017.

American English. Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED Talks provide the ELT classroom with inspiring ideas and an unparalleled source of authentic language input. Keynote invites students to explore these life-changing stories and develop a deeper understanding of our world. Underpinned by a carefully designed language syllabus, Keynote enables students to express themselves powerfully and proficiently in English – in their professional and personal lives.

Keynote 3, Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., Walker R., 2017
Скачать и читать Keynote 3, Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., Walker R., 2017

Keynote 4, Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., Walker R., Blass L., 2017

Keynote 4, Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., Walker R., Blass L., 2017.

American English. Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED Talks provide the ELT classroom with inspiring ideas and an unparalleled source of authentic language input. Keynote invites students to explore these life-changing stories and develop a deeper understanding of our world. Underpinned by a carefully designed language syllabus, Keynote enables students to express themselves powerfully and proficiently in English – in their professional and personal lives.

Keynote 4, Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., Walker R., Blass L., 2017
Скачать и читать Keynote 4, Students Book, Stephenson H., Lansford L., Dummett P., Walker R., Blass L., 2017

Keynote Proficient, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2016

Keynote Proficient, Student's Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2016.

Фрагмент из книги:
English is a stress-timed language. Rather than giving each word and syllable equal stress and length, the rhythm of English varies and speakers tend to stress the most important (content) words. (For multi-syllable words, only certain syllables are stressed, not the whole word.) The less important words are not stressed and are crowded into a shorter space.

Keynote Proficient, Student's Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2016
Скачать и читать Keynote Proficient, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2016

Keynote, Intermediate, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015

Keynote, Intermediate, Student's Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015.

Фрагмент из книги:
We get information now in many ways and these ways are changing constantly. Today’s worker has to process huge amounts of written and visual information. So they have to think critically about this information and they need to understand technology and to choose the best way to communicate with it. They also have to be creative and, above all, they have to want to learn.

Keynote, Intermediate, Student's Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015
Скачать и читать Keynote, Intermediate, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015

Keynote Proficient, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2016

Keynote Proficient, Student's Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2016.

Фрагмент из книги:
SIR KEN ROBINSON is an English educationalist, writer and former Professor of Arts Education at Warwick University (UK). In 1998 he led an inquiry for a British government advisory committee into the significance of creativity in the educational system and the economy. He was knighted for his achievements in this area in 2003. He believes passionately in the innate talents of each individual and that the current western education system is not structured in a way that makes the most of these talents.

Keynote Proficient, Student's Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2016
Скачать и читать Keynote Proficient, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2016

Keynote, Intermediate, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015

Keynote, Intermediate, Student's Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015.

Фрагмент из книги:
We get information now in many ways and these ways are changing constantly. Today’s worker has to process huge amounts of written and visual information. So they have to think critically about this information and they need to understand technology and to choose the best way to communicate with it. They also have to be creative and, above all, they have to want to learn.

Keynote, Intermediate, Student's Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015
Скачать и читать Keynote, Intermediate, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015
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