Фрагмент из книги:
We get information now in many ways and these ways are changing constantly. Today’s worker has to process huge amounts of written and visual information. So they have to think critically about this information and they need to understand technology and to choose the best way to communicate with it. They also have to be creative and, above all, they have to want to learn.
The next big thing.
Work in pairs. Look at the predictions of ‘the next big thing’. Say if these people were right and if so, give examples.
1 In 1968, the science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke predicted that in 2001 people would read newspapers on computers.
2 In 1900, the civil engineer John Elfreth Watkins predicted that in one hundred years photographs would be telegraphed around the world.
3 Ray Kurzweil, the inventor, predicted that in the early 21st century, learning and classrooms would be dominated by computers.
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Скачать книгу Keynote, Intermediate, Student’s Book, Dummett P., Stephenson H., Lansford L., 2015 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.
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Хештеги: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Dummett :: #Stephenson :: #Lansford
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