Roadmap is a new eight-level general English course for adults which recognises that every class is di erent and every learner is unique. Built on Global Scale of English learning objectives, the course is designed to give learners the speci c language training they need to progress. Engaging, relevant content and extensive support materials make lessons enjoyable for both learners and teachers.

A night's work.
Read the texts and match Keira and Liam with two of the photos.
Keira gets up at 2 a.m. She has a shower then gets dressed. She leaves home at 3 a.m. and gets to work at 3.30. She has a quick breakfast at work, then she gets ready for the breakfast TV programme. She reads the plan for the morning. The programme starts at 5 a.m. when most people are asleep.
Liam loves his job but it’s hard work. He gets up at 3 p.m. and spends time with his family. He leaves for work at 8.30 p.m. because he worries about the traffic. He starts work at 10 p.m. He works in the hospital and helps the patients and doctors. He doesn’t have lunch but he has coffee and a snack. He finishes work at 6 a.m. and has dinner. He gets home at 7 a.m. and goes straight to bed because he’s very tired!
1A People and places.
1B All about me.
1C For sale.
1D English in action.
2A Families.
2B After the party.
2C Special things.
2D English in action.
3A Free time.
3B A night's work.
3C Going out.
3D English in action.
4A A nice area.
4B Homes.
4C Be prepared.
4D English in action.
5A What does he look like?.
5B How was it?.
5C You can do it!.
5D English in action.
6A Events.
6B A good weekend.
6C A different world.
6D English in action.
7A Food.
7B Shopping.
7C Unusual cafes.
7D English in action.
8A A great time.
8B Weather.
8C Travel talk.
8D English in action.
9A Good advice.
9B My goals.
9C New experiences.
9D English in action.
UNIT 10.
10A Living together.
10B Formal or casual?.
10D A digital world.
10C English in action.
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