Фрагмент из книги.
We often use not only to link two things that happened. Both actions/feelings are surprising, but especially the second one. Not only goes before the first action/feeling. The second action/feeling is often introduced with but and often includes the words actually or even.

The bystander effect.
A few years ago, I was on a bus. It was quite crowded at the front so I pushed my way to the back, where I found a man lying on the floor, apparently asleep. Passengers were standing around him, occasionally glancing down. When the back door opened at the next stop, some people saw him and didn't get on, others just stepped over the man and took a seat. I had no idea how long he’d been lying there but, finally, a couple got on. They were shocked and started asking what had happened. Had anybody told the bus driver? No one knew. They got the bus driver to stop and an ambulance was called.
Some days later I saw a piece on the news about the man. Apparently, he'd passed out because of his diabetes, but, thanks to the couple, he'd made a complete recovery. The news didn’t mention how many other people, including me, had let him down. Why had that crowd stood by and not helped? I have since learnt we were in the grip of what’s known as the ‘bystander effect’.
1A Give it a go.
1B Kind acts.
1C How annoying!.
1D English in action.
2A On the mend.
2B A good cause.
2C Regeneration.
ЗА It'll brighten up.
ЗВ Law and order.
3C Fair play.
3D English in action.
4A Time of your life.
4B Fashion icon.
4C Being me.
5А On the move.
5B In the wild.
5C House or home?.
5D English in action.
6А A difficult business.
6B On the map.
6C Going out.
7A Ups and downs.
7B Is it news?.
7C A show of hands.
7D English in action.
8А Jobs for life?.
8B Sleep well.
8C Food for thought.
9A Feelings.
9B Habits.
9C All the rage.
9D English in action.
UNIT 10.
10А Eureka!.
10B A great read.
10C A good laugh.
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