Follow the FlyHigh characters on their crazy adventures. Humorous cartoon stories, games, and songs get pupils singing along and help them to recycle important language. There is even more practise on the CD-ROM! And for teachers, find all the support you need for lesson planning and keeping your class motivated and meaningful.

Language practice.
A wide variety of practice exercises enable the teacher to change pace and keep children interested and engaged. They alsocater for different learning styles. Interaction patterns are varied, allowing for individual work, pair work, group work and whole-class modes of learning. Every Cycle contains communicative activities and a song to activate the language. The Teacher's notes often provide ideas for games and there is also a list of classroom games on page vii of this Introduction.
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- Fly High Level 1, Pupils Book, Kozanoqlou D., 2010 — Follow the FlyHigh characters on their crazy adventures. Humorous cartoon stories, games, and songs get pupils singing along and help … Книги по английскому языку
- Fly High Level 2, Pupils Book, Perrett J., Covill С., 2011 — Follow the FlyHigh characters on their crazy adventures. Humorous cartoon stories, games, and songs get pupils singing along and help … Книги по английскому языку
- Fly High Level 3, Pupils Book, Perrett J., Covill С., 2011 — Fly High Level 4, Pupils Book, Perrett J., Covill С., 2011. Follow the FlyHigh characters on their crazy adventures. Humorous … Книги по английскому языку
- Fly High Level 4, Pupils Book, Perrett J., Covill С., 2011 — Follow the FlyHigh characters on their crazy adventures. Humorous cartoon stories, games, and songs get pupils singing along and help … Книги по английскому языку
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