Roadmap, C1, Workbook, 2021

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Roadmap, C1, Workbook, 2021.

Фрагмент из книги.
Gone are the days when we worked 9 to 5, five days a week. With access to tools which allow round-the-clock communication, our current working day may be 9 to 5 in the office, but outside the office it is any time from the moment we wake up to the moment our heads hit the pillow. Our employers, colleagues and clients have access to us literally all day, seven days a week, making it hard to achieve the work- life balance we’re supposed to strive for.

Roadmap, C1, Workbook, 2021

The changing nature of character.
Nature vs nurture is an ongoing debate h the field of personality development. To what extent is our character determined by inherited genes and how much is it influenced by our interactons with the world around us? There is already strong evidence that genes exert an influence on the development of our character, which suggests that the personality we are bom with is the one we're stuck with for the rest of our lives. Grouchy babies will have grouchy tendencies as adults: placid babies are unlikely to develop fiery tempers.

To assert that our genetic make-up is the sole determiner of our character is likely to be misleading, however. There are people who believe our environment is influential, too: the make-up of our families, our social status, our friends, our interests, and our experiences all have the opportunity to change who we are. Personality studies of people who grew up with foster families suggest that it is possible to take after people who are not of our flesh and blood. Those of us who find ourselves displaying characteristics similar to our guardians can attest to this

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