Фрагмент из книги:
On the one hand, when working online, students tend to pick up on transferable technological skills that will have long-term benefits. Learning to manage files, use a range of software packages and code provides a strong foundation for the demand created by the pervasive use of emergent technologies. Furthermore, integrating technology into education ensures that students stay engaged with the learning experience. Millennials exist in a world that is immersed in technology, so aligning the classroom with this world makes sense.

Neither rhyme nor reason.
I can hear my pulse pounding, and, through the microphone clenched in my shaking fist, the sound of a strained breath. I look out at the expectant audience, the table of stern judges, ceiling fans in slow rotation. Everyone waits. Waits for words. My head is a torrent of them, but my mouth will not engage. What on earth rhymes with High Wycombe ... ?
Three weeks ago, the term 'poetry slam' meant very little to me. Poetry was one of those rarefied art forms that other people do. Yes, I'd dallied with blank verse as a lovelorn teen, but those were more inspired by favoured songwriters of the time. And fairly ineffective as I recall. Reading poetry was something we were cajoled into by teachers, who then regretted it as our monotones mangled their cherished texts. Why would anyone want to perform it aloud?
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Хештеги: #рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Storton
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- Solutions Third Edition, Pre-Intermediate, Workbook, Falla T., Davies P., 2017
- Solutions Third Edition, Intermediate, Workbook, Falla T., Davies P., 2017
- Solutions Third Edition, Upper-Intermediate, Workbook, Falla T., Davies P., Kelly P., 2017
- Solutions Third Edition, Advanced, Workbook, Falla T., Davies P., Hudson J., Raynham A., 2018