Roadmap, B1+, Workbook, Osborn A., Adlard R., 2019

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Roadmap, B1+, Workbook, Osborn A., Adlard R., 2019.

Фрагмент из книги.
Moving house can be very exciting, but it can also be difficult if you can’t find the kind of home you are looking for. Some people have clear ideas about their dream homes, so they hire architects to design and build unusual, interesting and original houses, especially for them.

Roadmap, B1+, Workbook, Osborn A., Adlard R., 2019

Does practice really make perfect?
Have you ever heard the old phrase, ‘Practice makes perfect? Whether we’re learning how to dance, play a new instrument or developing our technique at a new sport, we usually just repeat the same action again and again until we can do it. My teachers always used to tell me that the more I practised, the more highly skilled 1 would become at any activity. In 2008, author Malcolm Gladwell wrote about ‘the 10,000-hour rule’. This said that if you want to become an expert at a skill, you must practise it for 10,000 hours. I lowever, a recent report by scientists at John Hopkins University has shown that the key to learning a new skill isn’t how much time you spend practising, but the wav in which you practise.

The scientists found that we learn more quickly if we slightly change the way we practise an activity each time we do it. To prove this, they carried out an experiment by teaching 86 people a new skill - how to control a computer with a new type of mouse. The researchers divided the people into three groups and each group had a session of 45 minutes to practise the new skill.

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