We are writing to you to introduce the new edition of Focus, our five-level course for upper secondary students. As writers, it is always a privilege to be invited to ‘have another go’ and we are grateful to our publisher Pearson for giving us this opportunity. At the same time, we are particularly wary of introducing change for change’s sake. ’If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ is a maxim we set great store by. In our own classrooms, we are still using ideas and teaching techniques that we learnt early on in our careers. Why? Because they still work.

The American linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky once said that almost everything in the education process was about getting the students’ interest in what they’re being taught. This is our starting point: students learn best when they are interested in the material. It’s as simple as that. We may not have got it right every time for your particular teaching context, but our overriding concern has been to select topics, texts and tasks that engage students both emotionally and intellectually. You need to organise the learning around things your students can relate to – things that are part of their life experience or things that they aspire to. An engaged learner is a more successful learner. We think course materials can play a big part in this key area of engagement.
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Смотрите также учебники, книги и учебные материалы:
- Speakout 2nd Edition, Elementary, Workbook, With Key, Eales F., Oakes S., Harrison L., 2015
- Speakout 2nd Edition, Pre Intermediate, Workbook, With Key, Clare A., Wilson J.J., Williams D., 2015
- Focus 2, Workbook, Brayshaw D., Russell D., Osborn A., Davies A., 2020
- Focus 3, Workbook, Brayshaw D., Russell D., Osborn A., Davies A., 2020
- Focus 4, Workbook, Brayshaw D., Bandis F., Micjakowski B., Trapnell B., Byrne D., Davies D., 2020
- Speakout 2nd Edition, Intermediate, Workbook, With Key, Clare A., Wilson J.J., Dimond-Bayir S., 2015
- Speakout 2nd Edition, Upper-Intermediate, Workbook, With Key, Eales F., Oakes S., Harrison L., 2015
- Focus 5, Workbook, Brayshaw D., Siuta T., Trapnell B., Russel D., 2017