This collection of four complete practice tests comprises papers from the Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) examination; students can practise with these tests on their own or with the help of a teacher.
The CPE examination is part of a suite of general English examinations produced by Cambridge English Language Assessment. This suite consists of five examinations that have similar characteristics but are designed for different levels of English language ability. Within the five levels, CPE is at Level C2 in the Council ofEurope’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. It has been accredited by Ofqual, the statutory regulatory authority in England, at Level 3 in the National Qualifications Framework. CPE is recognised by universities, employers, governments and other organisations around the world as proof of the ability to use English to function at the highest levels of academic and professional life.

Blogging: Confessing to the world.
Some time ago, a website highlighted the risks of public check-ins - online announcements of your whereabouts. The site's point was blunt: you may think you are just telling the world, 'Hey, I'm at this place' - but you are also advertising your out-and-about-ness to all kinds of people everywhere - not all of them people you might like to bump into. This appeared to confirm the growing awareness that there might be a downside to all the frantic sharing the web has enabled. The vast new opportunities to publish any and every aspect of our lives to a potentially global audience hold out all sorts of tantalising possibilities: Wealth! Fame! So we plunge into the maelstrom of the internet, tossing confessions, personal photos and stories into the digital vortex. Too late we realise that the water is crowded and treacherous - and we are lost.
Depressing? Perhaps, but don't give up. This future has a map, drawn for us years ago by a reckless group of online pioneers. In the early days of the web, they sailed these waters and located all the treacherous shoals. They got fired from their jobs, found and lost friends and navigated celebrity's temptations and perils - all long before the invention of social networking. These pioneers, the first wave of what we now call bloggers, have already been where the rest of us seem to be going. Before their tales scroll off our collective screen, it's worth spending a little time with them. After all, those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repost it.
Thanks and acknowledgements.
Test 1 Reading and Use of English.
Test 2 Reading and Use of English.
Test 3 Reading and Use of English.
Test 4 Reading and Use of English.
Test 1 Speaking test frames.
Test 2 Speaking test frames.
Test 3 Speaking test frames.
Test 4 Speaking test frames.
Marks and results.
Test 1 Key and transcript.
Test 2 Key and transcript.
Test 3 Key and transcript.
Test 4 Key and transcript.
Sample answer sheets.
Visual materials for the Speaking test.
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Хештеги: #тесты по английскому языку :: #английский язык
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Следующие учебники и книги:
- Succeed in Cambridge English, Proficiency, 8 Practice Tests, Betsis A., Haughton S., Mamas L., 2012
- Succeed in Cambridge English, Proficiency, 8 Practice Tests, Self Study Guide, 2012
- Cambridge English, Objective Advanced, Workbook, ODell F., Broadhead A., 2014
- Cambridge English, Proficiency 1, For Updated Exam, With Answers, 2012
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- Cambridge English, Complete Advanced, Workbook with Answers, Matthews L., Thomas B., 2014
- C1 Advanced Trainer 2, Six Practice Tests With Answers, 2020
- Cambridge English, Advanced 3, With Answers, 2018
- Cambridge English, First 3, With Answers, 2018