This book is suitable for anyone who is preparing to take C1 Advanced. You can use C1 Advanced Trainer 2 in class with your teacher or on your own at home.
Cl Advanced Trainer 2 contains six practice tests for Cl Advanced, each covering the Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking papers. The first two tests are 'guided tests', which means that they contain extra training and support to help you with each of the tasks in the exam. Tests 3-6 are purely practice tests. All six tests are at C1 Advanced level and match the exam in format and standard.
A transport revolution in Curitiba, Brazil.
For the first few hundred years of its existence, Curitiba, the capital of the state of Parana in southern Brazil, was a sleepy, smallish town. But by the 1960s. its population had grown to about 360,000, and the city was facing overcrowding, serious traffic congestion and other problems that afflict many fast-growing cities around the world. In line with the orthodox thinking of the time, the authorities began to draw up plans to widen avenues, demolish historic buildings and adapt the city centre so that cars could become the primary mode of transport. In 1971, they appointed a young architect called Jaime Lerner as city mayor, confident that he would implement the planned changes. Lerner almost immediately shook things up, however. Instead of widening avenues, he created a pedestrian mall in the city centre. And rather than building more roads, he created parks and gardens, and protected the city’s rivers from being turned into concrete drainage canals. His most memorable contribution, however, came in his ideas for the city’s bus network.
Training and Exam Practice.
Test 1.
Test 2.
Practice tests.
Test 3.
Test 4.
Test 5.
Test 6.
Sample answer sheets.
Speaking appendix.
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Дата публикации:
Хештеги: #тесты по английскому языку :: #английский язык
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