This test consists of four parts, each with ten questions. The first two parts are concerned with social needs. The first part is a conversation between two speakers and the second part is a monologue. The final two parts are concerned with situations related to educational or training contexts. The third part is a conversation between up to four people and the fourth part is a monologue.
Originally, Stevenson's manufactured goods for
A the healthcare industry.
В the automotive industry.
C the machine tools industry.
What does the speaker say about the company premises?
A The company has recently moved.
В The company has no plans to move.
C The company is going to move shortly.
The programme for the work experience group includes
A time to do research.
В meetings with a teacher.
C talks by staff.
Test 1.
Test 2.
Test 3.
Test 4.
Listening and Reading answer keys.
Sample Writing answers.
Sample answer sheets.
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Дата публикации:
Хештеги: #тесты по английскому языку :: #английский язык
Смотрите также учебники, книги и учебные материалы:
Следующие учебники и книги:
- IELTS 14, Academic, Students Book, 2019
- IELTS 15, General Training, Authentic Practice Tests, 2020
- IELTS 15, Academic, Authentic Practice Tests, 2020
- IELTS 16, Academic, Authentic Practice Tests, 2021
Предыдущие статьи:
- Succeed in Cambridge English, Proficiency, 8 Practice Tests, Betsis A., Haughton S., Mamas L., 2012
- Succeed in Cambridge English, Proficiency, 8 Practice Tests, Self Study Guide, 2012
- Cambridge English, Objective Advanced, Workbook, ODell F., Broadhead A., 2014
- Cambridge English, Proficiency 1, For Updated Exam, With Answers, 2012