First for Schools 3 with answers, 2018

First for Schools 3 with answers, 2018.

     This collection of four complete practice tests comprises papers from the Cambridge English: First for Schools examination; students can practise these tests on their own or with the help of a teacher.
The Cambridge English: First for Schools examination is part of a suite of general English examinations produced by Cambridge English Language Assessment. This suite consists of five examinations that have similar characteristics but are designed for different levels of English language ability. Within the five levels, Cambridge English: First for Schools is at Level B2 in the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. It has been accredited by Ofqual, the statutory regulatory authority in England, at Level 1 in the National Qualifications Framework. The Cambridge English: First for Schools examination is widely recognised in commerce and industry and in individual university faculties and other educational institutions.

First for Schools 3 with answers, 2018

Young writer.
Charlotte Grainger explains that It was her primary school teacher who first speculated that she might write a novel. ‘I thought the height of achievement would be to write a book because it seemed such a challenge and anyway I didn't know what other teenagers were doing, like being in the Olympics, for example. When I turned 13 I thought: “I may as well attempt this now”,’ The novel Charlotte started then is, remarkably, about to be published. ‘Recently I told my ex-teacher about it and she was astonished. She told me she’d meant I’d probably do it when I was 30 or 40. That had never occurred to me - I couldn’t understand why I’d be expected to put something on hold that I had a chance of being good at.’

It’s a winter afternoon, in the offices of Charlotte’s publishers. Even though I knew that t was going to interview a 15-year-old girl about her book, I was still momentarily thrown by seeing a teenager sitting there. The book is a huge achievement: the narrative is assured and action packed. Nothing about it, except the age of its heroine, suggests that it was written by a teenager. The public relations representative for the book is keeping us company in case Charlotte might need defending. But she needs neither parental nor professional support. She’s her own person: spirited, with an alert face and a lively intelligence, but also a steadiness that prevents any overconfidence she could be forgiven for feeling.

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