Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced builds on the success of Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate. It is designed to help advanced learners of business English to improve their business vocabulary. It is for people studying English before they start work and for those already working who need English in their job.
The emphasis is on language related to today's important, and sometimes controversial, business issues.
You can use the book on your own for self-study, or with a teacher in the classroom, one-to-one or in groups.

Flexibility and inflexibility.
Job protection.
France is a country with a very different approach. Companies in trouble are only allowed to make employees redundant after a long period of consultation. If employees are made redundant, they receive generous redundancy payments and then unemployment benefits. The government says people need this sort of job protection, and trade unions - organizations that protect the interests of workers - are fighting hard to keep it.
Payments to employees such as sick pay and parental leave - when they have time off following the birth of children - are also very generous. Mothers get long paid maternity leave and fathers get paternity leave. But the social charges which employers and employees have to pay the government are very high.
The working environment.
Management styles 1.
Management styles 2.
Employment and employability.
Flexibility and inflexibility.
Work-life balance.
Managing talent 1.
Managing talent 2.
Team building.
The right skills.
Equality and diversity.
What is quality?.
Quality standards.
Quality and people.
Striving for perfection.
Strategic thinking.
Companies and their industries.
Key strategic issues.
Preparing for the future.
Risk and uncertainty.
The four Ps and beyond.
Customer satisfaction.
Knowing your customers 1.
Knowing your customers 2.
Knowing your customers 3.
Brands and branding.
Global brands.
Supply chain management.
Outsourcing and offshoring.
Accessing the internet.
Online communication.
Knowledge and the internet.
Internet security.
The sharing economy.
Intellectual property.
Financial performance.
Profit and loss account.
Balance sheet 1.
Balance sheet 2.
Cashflow statement.
Comparing performance.
Shareholder value.
Accounting standards.
The business cycle.
Bursting bubbles.
Corporate social responsibility.
Social reporting.
Green issues.
Climate change.
Corporate governance.
Ethical investment.
Investment and debt.
International aid.
Sustainable development.
Intercultural teams.
Intercultural meetings.
Intercultural networking.
Business writing 1.
Business writing 2.
Business writing 3.
Business writing 4.
Answer key Index.
Also available.
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