A verb is the part of speech that expresses an action, mode of being, or occurrence, for example, to run, to think, to live, or in German, laufen, denken, leben. When used in a sentence, the verb is said to be inflected, meaning it may have endings or inflections. To conjugate a verb means to list all its different inflected forms in a specific and logical fashion.

The Present Subjunctive II.
Because the form of this tense is based on the simple past form, it is called Konjunktiv II Präteritum or Konjunktiv Imperfekt in German and sometimes called “simple past subjunctive” or “past subjunctive” in English. This can be misleading, however, because the tense expresses time in the present. Other names in English include the “general subjunctive” and “present subjunctive, secondary.”
Regular Weak Verbs For regular weak verbs, the present subjunctive II is identical to the simple past (indicative) (see page 12).
Strong Verbs For most strong verbs, the present subjunctive II is formed by adding subjunctive endings to the simple past stem. If the simple past stem vowel is a, o, or u, then an umlaut is added to the vowel.
German Tense Profiles.
Comprehensive summaries of formation and uses of each tense.
The Basics of Conjugation.
Person and Number.
Mood and Tense.
The German Verb.
The Infinitive.
Verb Classes.
Principal Parts of the Verb.
The Simple Tenses.
The Present.
The Simple Past.
The Present Subjunctive I.
The Present Subjunctive II.
The Compound Tenses.
The Future.
The Future Subjunctive I.
The Future Subjunctive II.
The Present Perfect.
The Past Participle.
The Perfect Auxiliary: haben or sein?.
The Past Perfect.
The Past Subjunctive I.
The Past Subjunctive II.
The Future Perfect.
The Future Perfect Subjunctive I.
The Future Perfect Subjunctive II.
Special Types and Uses of Finite Verbs.
Reflexive Verbs.
Dative Verbs.
Genitive Verbs.
Impersonal Verbs.
Modal Verbs and lassen.
Other Dual-Verb Constructions.
The Passive Voice.
The Imperative Mood.
Nonfinite Verb Forms.
The Infinitive.
The Present Participle.
The Gerundive (zu Present Participle).
The Past Participle.
Verb Placement: Overview.
The Sentence Frame.
Spelling Reform.
555 Fully Conjugated Verbs.
Alphabetically ordered with examples of common use.
Top 50 Verbs: Full page of examples adjoining select conjugations.
Drills to test and improve your grasp of correct verb forms.
Answers to Exercises.
English-German Verb Index.
555 verb models cross-referenced by their English meanings.
Irregular Verb Form Index.
Index showing the infinitive of difficult irregular German verb forms.
German Verb Index.
More than 4,200 verbs showing 3 principal parts and cross-referenced to the full verb models.
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Скачать книгу The Big Yellow Book of German Verbs, 555 Fully Conjugated Verbs, Listen P., Di Donato R., Franklin D., 2005 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.
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