Фрагмент из книги.
Words are like little gods. The pronoun “him” instead of “her,” if used often enough, can dissuade a girl from science or math. The words you use determine the density of gray matter in your brain. They affect your political leanings, influence how you see reality, determine your level of confidence and thus, define what it means to be you. That’s what words do.

Verb Displacement.
Minimalism, the art of simplifying literature to its most basic form, is actually quite complicated. You can’t just dumb down everything you write to a thirdgrade reading level and be done with it. If that’s all it took, then everybody would be able to write like Hemingway, which is not the case.
What makes Hemingway remarkable is his ability to make simplicity sophisticated, to give ordinary language a timeless and poetic feel. Consider this example from the novel For Whom the Bell Tolls. Pay particular attention to the last sentence of this passage, which has been altered so as to be without the Hemingway aesthetic.
On Becoming Articulate.
Rhetorical Form and Design.
Lesson 1: T. S. Eliot.
Lesson 2: Margaret Atwood.
Lesson 3: Ernest Hemingway.
Lesson 4: Cormac McCarthy.
Lesson 5: John Steinbeck.
Lesson 6: Norman Mailer.
Lesson 7: Edith Wharton.
Lesson 8: E. B. White.
Lesson 9: J.M. Coetzee.
Lesson 10: John Steinbeck.
Lesson 11: Barbara Kingsolver.
Lesson 12: Joshua Ferris.
Lesson 13: Ken Kesey.
Lesson 14: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Lesson 15: Henry James.
Lesson 16: Barack Obama.
Lesson 17: Cintra Wilson.
The Well-Spoken Vocabulary.
The Seven Rhetorical Sins.
How This Book Works.
The Well-Spoken Thesaurus.
200 Well-Spoken Alternatives to Common Words and Phrases.
About the Author.
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