Formula is the flexible, unique and enjoyable route to Cambridge exam success. Using Pearson’s trusted exam knowhow, Formula C1 Advanced takes a fresh approach to topics, units and components to create an exam-focused package whatever your teaching and learning scenario. Its truly flexible learning materials are designed to work independently for short and intensive preparation or in combination for longer exam courses. Adaptable for the classroom, independent study and blended learning to fully digital environments – create your own Formula for exam success.

What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is essentially awareness. It is about training the attention to notice our thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, physical reactions and anything around us that is happening right now, without judging them. This can help us to make better, more skilful decisions. The brain can be ‘rewired’ to work in more helpful or skilful ways. In many ways it’s like brain training. Just as people go to the gym and lift weights regularly to build muscle, mindfulness helps train the brain by doing the practices daily.
The C1 Advanced level.
The principles and methodology.
Course components.
How the Coursebook works.
How to use the Exam file.
How the Exam Trainer works.
Formula’s building blocks.
How to use Formula for around 30 hours.
How to use Formula for around 50 hours.
How to use Formula for around 80 hours.
How to use Formula for around 100+ hours.
How to teach for exams.
How to encourage independent learning.
Well-being: mindfulness for exams.
Speaking success criteria.
Writing success criteria.
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