Focus 5, Students Book, 2020

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Focus 5, Students Book, 2020.

Фрагмент из книги.
We use inversion in sentences which start with negative adverbs, e.g. never, rarely, seldom, hardly, barely, scarcely, no sooner or phrases with no or not, e.g. under no circumstances, on no condition, on no account, at no time, in no way, not until, not only, etc. In these sentences an affi rmative sentence takes on the order and verb form of a question, i.e.

Focus 5, Students Book, 2020

What My Grandmother Means to Me.
The first thing people notice about her is her diminutive stature! She’s tiny and getting smaller. Apparently she once reached the dizzy heights of 1.5 metres and I remember shooting past her at the age of twelve. She may be short but she’s always possessed an iron will. If she doesn’t want to do something, she simply puts her foot down and refuses. I’m sure this is where I get my obstinate nature from.

I am always flattered when her friends tell me that I remind them of her and I hope I will be as unprejudiced as she is when I reach the ripe old age of eighty. Not many people of her generation would have reacted as she did when I told her I was taking a year out of my studies to backpack around the world. She did not bat an eyelid but nodded in approval and told me she thought I’d have a wonderful time.

1 The ties that bind.
2 Learning for life.
3 Let’s eat.
4 The new thing.
5 All in a day’s work.
6 Journeys.
7 Express yourself.
8 Text me!.
9 Future generations.

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