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The pull of gravity on an object gives an object its weight. An object’s weight depends on where it is. When the pull of gravity is weaker, the object’s weight is less. For example, the moon has less gravity than Earth. So, you weigh less on the moon. The pull of gravity is also less the farther you are from Earth’s center. So, you weigh less on a mountaintop than in a valley.

Effects of Mass and Friction.
A force can change an object’s position or the direction of its motion. A push by the man can cause the shopping cart to start moving. If he then pushes to the right, the moving cart will change direction to the right.
How much an object changes its direction and speed depends on how much force is used. A large force will cause a greater change in motion than a smaller force. The cart will go faster if the man pushes harder.
How an object moves also depends on its mass. When the man starts shopping, his cart is empty. He does not need much force to push it. As the man shops, he puts objects in the cart. Each time he does, the mass gets larger. The man must then use more force to push the cart.
Science, Engineering, and Technology.
Unit 1: Technology and the Design Process.
How can technology affect our lives?.
Life Science.
Unit 2: Plants.
How do plants change and grow?.
Unit 3: Living Things.
How do living things grow and change?.
Unit 4: Ecosystems.
How do living things interact?.
Unit 5: Body and Illness.
How can I keep my body healthy?.
Earth Science.
Unit 6: Earth and Weather.
How do forces cause changes on Earth's surface?.
Unit 7: Earth and Our Universe.
How do objects in space affect one another?.
Physical Science.
Unit 8: Energy and Its Forms.
How can energy change?.
Unit 9: Forces and Motion.
What forces cause motion?.
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