Фрагмент из книги.
We use expressions so/too and neither/nor/either in short statements meaning (me) too or (me) neither. We use these constructions in reaction to somebody’s statements to let the other person know that we are in the same situation. We use so and too in positive statements. The form of an auxiliary or modal verb in short statements must be the same as the form of the main verb and the subject in the sentence to which it refers.

How can a dog change your life?
Ever since I was quite seriously bitten by a dog when I was a young child, I had been terrifi ed of those animals. When I saw someone walking a dog, I would immediately rush to the other side of the street. When I planned to visit friends, I always made it clear that their dogs had to be put elsewhere during my visit. I had told myself many times that my fear was silly, but I simply couldn’t control myself. Every time I got close to a dog I started shaking. I didn’t know how to free myself from my fear.
Then one day I read a short article in the local newspaper about a rescue shelter that needed volunteers for dog-walking and other duties, and it was as if a light came on in my mind. I suddenly realised that all I had to do was face my fear. I immediately called the shelter and made an appointment to visit the next day.
1 A new look.
2 It’s just a game.
3 On the go.
4 Eat, drink and be healthy.
5 Planet Earth.
6 Good health.
7 Entertain me.
8 Modern society.
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