Looking for an easy-to-use guide to English grammar? This handy introduction covers all the basics of the subject, using a simple and straightforward style. Students will ¢nd the book’s step-by-step approach easy to follow and be encouraged by its non-technical language. Requiring no prior knowledge of English grammar, the information is presented in small steps, with objective techniques to help readers apply new concepts.With clear explanations and well-chosen examples, the book gives students the tools to understand the mysteries of English grammar as well as the perfect foundation fromwhichtomove on tomore advanced topics.
Subordinating conjunctions.
Another kind of conjunction is called a subordinating conjunction. Here are some examples of sentences with subordinating conjunctions. The subordinating conjunctions are underlined.
1. She continued arguing until everyone ¢nally agreed with her.
2. They live down southwhen theweather gets cold.
3. Jackwill buy a house once he gets a job.
4. She listened to his comments politely, even though they sounded silly.
5. They stopped talking when itwasEleanor’s turn.
Subordinating conjunctions connect sentences; however, the two parts that are connected are not of equal value in terms of the meaning of the whole sentence. There is a main sentence with a subpart; the subordinating conjunction connects the subpart to themain sentence. Here are sentences 1 through 5 again, but this timewith themain sentences in bold.
Introduction How to use this book.
Part I Kinds of words.
Unit I Nouns.
Lesson 1 Identifying nouns.
Lesson 2 Concrete and abstract nouns.
Lesson 3 Singular and plural nouns.
Lesson 4 Animate and inanimate nouns.
Lesson 5 Count and noncount nouns.
Lesson 6 Proper and common nouns.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit l.
Unit 2 Verbs.
Lesson 7 Identifying verbs.
Lesson 8 The verb base.
Lesson 9 Action verbs and linking verbs.
Lesson 10 Transitive and intransitive verbs.
Lesson 11 Phrasal verbs.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit 2.
Unit 3 Determiners.
Lesson 12 Articles.
Lesson 13 Demonstratives.
Lesson 14 Possessives.
Lesson 15 Quantifiers.
Answer keys: Test уourself questions - Unit 3.
Unit 4 Adjectives.
Lesson 16 Identifying adjectives.
Answer keys: Test уourself questions - Unit 4.
Unit 5 Prepositions.
Lesson 17 Identifying prepositions.
Answer keys: Test уourself questions - Unit 5.
Unit 6 Conjunctions.
Lesson 18 Coordinating conjunctions.
Lesson 19 Subordinating conjunctions.
Lesson 20 Correlative conjunctions.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit 6.
Unit 7 Pronouns.
Lesson 21 Subject and object pronouns.
Lesson 22 Reflexive pronouns.
Lesson 23 Demonstrative pronouns.
Lesson 24 Possessive pronouns.
Lesson 25 Interrogative pronouns.
Lesson 26 Relative pronouns.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit 7.
Unit 8 Adverbs.
Lesson 27 Identifying adverbs.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit 8.
Review matching exercise and answer key - Part I.
Part ll Kinds of phrases.
Unit 9 Noun phrases.
Lesson 28 The basic structure of noun phrases.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit 9.
Unit 10 Prepositional phrases.
Lesson 29 The basic structure of prepositional phrases.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit 10.
Unit 11 Verb phrases.
Lesson 30 The basic structure of verb phrases.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit 11.
Unit 12 Auxiliary phrases.
Lesson 31 The basic structure of auxiliary phrases.
Lesson 32 Modals.
Lesson 33 Perfect have.
Lesson 34 Progressive be.
Lesson 35 Combining auxiliary verbs.
Lesson 36 The suffixes of auxiliary verbs.
Lesson 37 Tense.
Answer keys: Test yourself questions - Unit 12.
Unit 13 Subjects and objects.
Lesson 38 Subjects.
Lesson 39 Direct objects.
Lesson 40 Indirect objects.
Lesson 41 The functions of pronouns.
Lesson 42 Implied subjects: commands.
Answer keys:Test yourself questions - Unit 13.
Unit 14 Compound phrases.
Lesson 43 Compound noun phrases.
Lesson 44 Compound verb phrases.
Answer keys:Test yourself questions - Unit 14.
Review matching exercise and answer key - Part II.
Part III Getting started with sentences.
Unit 15 The functions of sentences.
Lesson 45 Identifying sentences by function.
Answer keys:Test yourself questions - Unit 15.
Unit 16 Combining sentences.
Lesson 46 Simple sentences.
Lesson 47 Compound sentences.
Lesson 48 Complex sentences.
Lesson 49 Sentenceswith relative clauses.
Lesson 50 Compound-complex sentences.
Answer keys:Test yourself questions - Unit 16.
Unit 17 Related sentences.
Lesson 51 Looking at related sentences.
Lesson 52 Active and passive sentences.
Lesson 53 Positive and negative sentences.
Answer keys:Test yourself questions - Unit 17.
Review matching exercise and answer key - Part III.
List ofQuick tips.
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