Фрагмент из книги.
Watch the DVD again and complete the information about the people in Exercise 2. Answer the questions below.
1 Where is he/she from?
2 What’s his/her job?
3 What languages does he/she speak?

Choose one of the royal couples below and complete a fact fi le about them.
• Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde
• Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene
• King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein and Queen Rania
• King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema.
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 Where do you go shopping?
2 Do you like shopping at a market or at a supermarket?
3 In your country, what do people usually buy at a market and what do people buy at a supermarket?
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