Фрагмент из книги.
Underline the correct alternatives.
1 I go to the dentist every/on six months.
2 Do you play much sport at/in the weekend?
3 See you in/on a minute.
4 I usually meet Sarah at/on Wednesdays.
5 I’m busy on/in the morning but we can meet later.
6 I go running every/in day.

Put the letters in the correct order to make
travel words. The fi rst letters are correct.
1 psanegres
2 tkicte miachne
3 slinge
4 rutrne
5 bus satiton
6 mohltny pssa.
Match 1–6 with endings a)–f).
1 You need to go to the ticket
2 I’d like to buy
3 The bus goes at 6p.m. Let’s go to
4 Is this where I
5 Show your ticket
6 Please can you tell me where to get
a) a return ticket.
b) wait for the bus?
c) o the bus?
d) the gate.
e) to the driver.
f) machine to get your ticket.
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