Grammar with Laughter is a book which uses jokes to highlight grammatical patterns. Humorous learning materials have a number of advantages. Firstly, they increase motivation by being potentially amusing. Secondly, they are memorable and can help the learner to remember grammar. Lastly, they lead to spontaneous practice and consolidation of grammar through the learner’s natural desire to share jokes with others.

Expressions with prepositions
Most prepositions have a literal meaning which we are all familiar with: on, in, at, through, etc. When prepositions are part of an expression, it is important to learn the whole expression. There is usually no point in trying to explain why a particular preposition is used. For example:
a cheque for £200 go on strike
a good memory for faces pay in advance.
The best advice is to teach expressions like these as ‘wholes’.
Phrasal verbs.
Phrasal Verbs are among the commonest examples of expressions with prepositions. It is perhaps better to refer to such ‘prepositions’ as ‘particles’ so that students see a clear difference between the prepositional use and their use as ‘part’ of the phrasal verb. It took me ages to get through to John has got some idea of the literal meaning of through, but I don’t get on with him has no idea of on combined with with. These very important verbs simply have to be learned as if each was a whole expression. The particle cannot be divorced from the verb.
Section One: Tenses.
Lesson 1 The Present Simple.
Lesson 2 The Present Continuous.
Lesson 3 The Simple Past (regular verbs).
Lesson 4 The Simple Past (irregular verbs).
Lesson 5 The Past Continuous.
Lesson 6 Past Simple / Continuous.
Lesson 7 The Present Perfect 1.
Lesson 8 The Present Perfect 2.
Lesson 9 Present Perfect / Past Simple.
Lesson 10 The Present Perfect Continuous.
Lesson 11 The Past Perfect.
Lesson 12 The Past Perfect Continuous.
Lesson 13 Will / going to - 1.
Lesson 14 Will / going to - 2.
Lesson 15 Present used for future.
Lesson 16 The Future Continuous.
Lesson 17 Used to.
Lesson 18 Have / have got.
Lesson 19 The Imperative.
Section Two: Modal Verbs.
Lesson 20 Can / could - ability.
Lesson 21 Can / could - requests.
Lesson 22 Must / have to.
Lesson 23 Mustn’t / don’t have to.
Lesson 24 Must / can’t.
Lesson 25 Should / shouldn’t.
Lesson 26 Should have / shouldn’t have.
Section Three: Conditionals.
Lesson 27 The First Conditional.
Lesson 28 The Second Conditional.
Lesson 29 The Third Conditional.
Lesson 30 Wish / if only.
Lesson 31 Unless / if not.
Section Four: Passives.
Lesson 32 Passives - present and past.
Lesson 33 Passives - perfect.
Lesson 34 Have something done.
Section Five: Verb Patterns.
Lesson 35 Verb + infinitive.
Lesson 36 Verb + object + infinitive.
Lesson 37 Verb + -ing.
Lesson 38 Verb + preposition.
Lesson 39 Verb + preposition + -ing.
Lesson 40 Expressions + -ing.
Lesson 41 Make / let.
Section Six : Articles etc.
Lesson 42 Some / any.
Lesson 43 Much / many / a lot of.
Lesson 44 A few / a little.
Lesson 45 Some / any / no / every-.
Lesson 46 Uncountable Nouns.
Lesson 47 Possessives.
Lesson 48 Reflexive Pronouns.
Section Seven: Adjectives and Adverbs.
Lesson 49 Adjectives ending in -ed / -ing.
Lesson 50 Adjective + preposition.
Lesson 51 Adjective + infinitive.
Lesson 52 Too / enough.
Lesson 53 Adverbs.
Lesson 54 Adverbs of Frequency.
Lesson 55 Order of Adjectives.
Lesson 56 Comparatives.
Lesson 57 As . as
Lesson 58 Superlatives.
Lesson 59 Comparison with like.
Section Eight: Clauses.
Lesson 60 Defining Relative Clauses.
Lesson 61 Non-defining Relative Clauses.
Lesson 62 Clauses with participles.
Lesson 63 Noun Clauses.
Lesson 64 So / because.
Lesson 65 So + adjective + that.
Lesson 66 Such + adjective + that
Section Nine: Questions and Reported Speech
Lesson 67 Reported Speech.
Lesson 68 Do you know / Can you tell.
Lesson 69 Question Tags.
Lesson 70 So / neither / either.
Lesson 71 What’s your name?.
Section Ten: Prepositions.
Lesson 72 Prepositions of Place.
Lesson 73 Prepositions of Direction.
Lesson 74 Noun + preposition.
Lesson 75 Phrases with prepositions.
Lesson 76 Before / after / until.
Lesson 77 For / during / while.
Lesson 78 Phrasal Verbs.
Section Eleven: Other Points.
Lesson 79 Numbers.
Lesson 80 Times and Dates.
Lesson 81 Likes and Dislikes.
Lesson 82 Requests with would like.
Answer Key.
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