This book provides intensive and enjoyable practice in features of English pronunciation that intermediate and more advanced students usually find difficult.
The clever and convincing dialogues concentrate on stress timing, weak forms, contractions, linking and consonant clusters, as well as providing valuable intonation practice.
The dialogues are recorded in the following form: a 'listen-and-repeat’ section, then a recording of the dialogue at natural speed, and then a version with pauses to allow intensive practice.
The material can be used in the classroom, in the language laboratory and by a student working alone with a cassette recorder.

Most students are aware that ‘contractions’ such as they’re, we’ve and he’d represent, in writing or print, the usual spoken form of they are, we have and he had (or he would). Many students, however, are not sure how such contractions should be pronounced, or lack experience in pronouncing them. This section provides opportunity for the intensive practice of the main contracted forms encountered in written texts. It consists of short dialogues in which particular contractions are featured individually, in pairs, and in groups. The pronunciation of each contraction is indicated in phonemic transcription in the headings to the dialogues.
Key to phonetic symbols.
To the student.
To the teacher.
Weak Forms
Stress Time.
Detailed list of contents.
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Хештеги: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Mortimer
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