Accurate English is a textbook and reference guide to the pronunciation of English in North America as it is spoken by educated native speakers in fluent speech. The vowels, consonants, rhythm, and intonation of American English are taught using the principles of articulatory phonetics. Students are led to discover these principles through experimenting with their own vocal tracts, using kinesthetic, visual, and auditory feedback. Theory is reinforced by numerous practice exercises working up from phrases to dialogues, reading passages, and oral presentations. In addition, spelling patterns for ordinary words, academic words, and exceptions, as well as rules for stress placement, are included. The goal of this book is to enable students to improve their pronunciation of English so that they can be understood effortlessly by native speakers in both formal and informal situations. The focus on English as it is actually spoken, including reductions, simplifications, and regional variations, also helps to improve listening comprehension.

The sound waves that come out of the mouth when someone is speaking are continuous and constantly changing. There are no spaces between words as there are in writing. Speech flows like a river; sounds gradually change from one to another and stop only when there is a pause. Languages have different writing systems or orthographies that analyze the continuous flow of speech and break it down into a limited number of visual symbols. English uses only twenty-six letters, plus punctuation marks and spaces, to represent the entire language. The same letter is often used in more than one way. Some important aspects of the spoken language, such as stress, are not represented at all. This book introduces a phonetic writing system with more symbols to represent the spoken language more closely. However, any writing system is still an analysis. Sounds blend together with preceding and following sounds and are pronounced differently depending on the neighboring sounds, the overall stress pattern, and the rate of speech.
It is important to become aware of the differences between spoken and written language. You may mispronounce a word, not because you can’t say it correctly, but because it has an unusual spelling pattern or because it looks like a word in your own language where the letters represent different sounds. Many spelling rules are given in this book to help you learn the correct correspondence between sounds and letters. As you do the practice sections and exercises, concentrate on the sound first (close your eyes if necessary) and then look at the spelling. Try to develop the ability to remember words as sound patterns, using the phonetic alphabet as an aid. Don’t expect every word to sound the way it is traditionally spelled. Don’t listen for pauses or breaks between every word. You will be surprised at how much better you will be able to speak and understand English.
1 Introduction.
2 The Phonetic Alphabet.
3 Vowel Overview.
4 Vowels in Detail.
5 Review of the Phonetic Alphabet and Vowels.
6 Stress.
7 Stress (Advanced).
8 Rhythm.
9 Rhythm (Advanced).
10 Stress in Compound Nouns.
11 Review of Stress and Rhythm.
12 Consonant Overview.
13 Differences Between Voiced and Voiceless Consonants.
14 <ed> and <s> Endings.
15 Consonants in Detail.
16 Intonation.
For Further Reading.
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