When English speakers begin to learn other languages they often find themselves being taught via methods that assume they have a basic knowledge of English grammar.
I hope this little book will fill a gap and give you the basics, whether you want to learn another language or not, and if you do, whether your aimed-for second language is Spanish, Anindilyakwa, New Testament Greek, Swahili or anything else.

Finite verbs.
We have already said that a finite verb has a subject, and that the subject is the doer of the action.
Look at the following sentence.
Thinking he heard a knock, he went out to check.
In this sentence there are four words that suggest action: thinking, heard, went, check. Are they all finite? We can eliminate check because it has to in front of it, so we already know it is an infinitive. Do the other three have clear subjects? We ask Who? or What? before each one. There is nothing at all before thinking, so we can eliminate it too.* That leaves heard and went. Who heard? Who went? Each of these is preceded by the pronoun he. So each has a subject, and each is complete. Both, therefore, are finite.
Clauses and phrases.
Words – and their functions.
Articles (or determiners).
More about clauses.
In conclusion.
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