Книга является продолжением «Учебника английского языка для III курса заочных отделений институтов и факультетов иностранных языков» тех же авторов. Основная часть учебника состоит из 5 заданий, включающих учебные тексты, лексические комментарии, тренировочные упражнения с ключами и контрольные работы. Вторая часть учебника содержит материал для устной работы в период учебных сессий.
Учебник обеспечивает развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, реферирования и перевода на базе дальнейшего расширения активного словаря.

We Saw the Brotherhood of Nations.
When preparing to visit the Soviet Union at the invitation of the CC CPSU to see how relations between nations were developing in the 60th year of Soviet power, we recalled Lenin’s ideas which have constituted a coherent theory for solving this intricate problem; we acquainted ourselves with the basic documents of Soviet state and the Party congresses.
We were mostly concerned with Leninist principles and the CPSU policy which translated them into life. After all, the nationalities question is exceptionally acute in our countries — India and Iraq — and is a key problem for any of the countries which we have come to designate as the young national states, most of which are multinational. Nor has the problem become less acute in the developed capitalist countries: one needs merely recall the clashes in the United States, Canada, Belgium, Great Britain and Spain on the national issue.
Part I.
Assignment 1.
Text I. “Wheels”, by A. Hailey.
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exericses to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Text II. “Wheels”, by A. Hailey (continued).
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exercises to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Oral Assignments for the Session.
Assignment 2.
Text I. “Settled out of Court”, by W. Saroyan and H. Cecil.
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exercises to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Text II. “Settled out of Court”, by W. Saroyan and H. Cecil (continued).
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exercises to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Oral Assignments for the Session.
Assignment 3.
Text I. “The Man of Property”, by J. Galsworthy.
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exercises to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Text II. “The Man of Property”, by J. Galsworthy (continued).
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exercises to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Oral Assignments for the Session.
Assignment 4.
Text I. “Preach on the Dusty Road”, by I. Shaw.
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exercises to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Text II. “Preach on the Dusty Road”, by I. Shaw (continued).
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exercises to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Oral Assignments for the Session.
Text I. The Anti-fascist Coalition and the Struggle for Detente.
II. Detente and the Struggle of Ideas.
Assignment 5.
Vocabulary Notes.
Written Exercises to the Text.
Written Exercises to the OVL.
Oral Exercises to the OVL.
Control Assignment.
Oral Assignments for the Session.
Part II. Material for Session Work.
I. Additional Texts to Assignments 1-4.
Assignment). “Wheels”, by A. Hailey.
Assignment 2. “Settled Out of Court”, by W. Saroyan and H. Cecil.
Assignments. “The Man of Property”, by J. Galsworthy.
Assignment 4. “The Young Lions”, by I. Shaw.
II. Text for Summarizing and Commenting.
“A Document for Peace”.
On Politics and Poetry.
“A Little Bit of Whimsy”.
From Readers About the Greatest Event of the 20th Century.
Young People’s Politics Here and There.
III. Texts for Discussing.
“A Discovery in the Wood”, by G. Green.
“A Discovery in the Wood”, by G. Green (continued).
“Pleasure”, by J. O’Hara.
“For whom the Bell Tolls”, by E. Hemingway.
“Mackintosh”, by W. Somerset Maugham.
IV. Russian Texts for Rendering with Related English Texts.
“Kisses in Space at Triple Link-up”.
“Soviet Space Station Swop”.
“Exciting Space World Described by Cosmonaut”.
«Советские „премьеры” на орбите».
«На пути к „небесным” городам».
«От рекордов в космическом пространстве — к его заселению».
Выдающееся достижение советской космонавтики.
World Writers on the October Revolution.
Революция, изменившая мир.
V. Russian Texts for Rendering.
«Поют колеса тра-та-та». В. Драгунский.
«Круг царя Соломона». Н. Кузьмин.
«Сердце отдаю детям». В. А. Сухомлинский.
«Где-то гремит война». «Последний поклон». В. Астафьев.
«Звезда с неба». Л. Лиходеев.
Keys to Exercises
Assignment 1.
Assignment 2.
Assignment 3.
Assignment 4.
Assignment 5.
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Скачать книгу Учебник английского языка, Для IV курса заочных отделений институтов иностранных языков, Весник Д.А., Натанзон С.А., Токарева Н.Д., 1979 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.
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