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Read and Understand 3 - Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok

Название: Read and Understand 3.

Автор: Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok.


Read and Understand is a series of four workbooks written for secondary or intermediate students who want to improve their reading comprehension skills. The 15 reading texts in each of the two lower-level books deal with social and contemporary issues of interest to teenagers. Each of the two upper-level books contains 20 reading passages covering a range of highly interesting topics written in different text types.

Every unit begins with three or four Pre-Reading Questions to encourage students to think about issues related to the topic. The questions are designed for students lo work in pairs or small groups to develop their ability to make predictions and to understand information by drawing on their own knowledge and experience.

The Vocabulary Study section makes it convenient for students to look up the meanings of words and phrases highlighted in the reading passage.

Read and Understand 3 - Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok

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Read and Understand 2 - Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok

Название: Read and Understand 2.

Автор: Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok.


Read and Understand is a series of four workbooks written for secondary or intermediate students who want to improve their reading comprehension skills. The 15 reading texts in each of the two lower-level books deal with social and contemporary issues of interest to teenagers. Each of the two upper-level books contains 20 reading passages covering a range of highly interesting topics written in different text types.

Read and Understand 2 - Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok

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Read and Understand 1 - Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok

Название: Read and Understand 1.

Автор: Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok.


Read and Understand is a series of four workbooks written for secondary or intermediate students who want to improve their reading comprehension skills. The 15 reading texts in each of the two lower-level books deal with social and contemporary issues of interest to teenagers. Each of the two upper-level books contains 20 reading passages covering a range of highly interesting topics written in different text types.
Every unit begins with three or four Pre-Reading Questions to encourage students to think about issues related to the topic. The questions are designed for students lo work in pairs or small groups to develop their ability to make predictions and to understand information by drawing on their own knowledge and experience.
The Vocabulary Study section makes it convenient for students to look up the meanings of words and phrases highlighted in the reading passage.

Read and Understand 1 - Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok

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Grammarway 1 - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Название: Grammarway 1.

Автор: Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans.


Grammarway 1 is the first book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour. The book is designed for learners of the English language at Beginner level, and can be used for self-study or in the classroom as a supplement to any course at this level.
The aim of the book is to help learners understand basic English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations.
The book consists of 20 units, each focusing on a particular grammar topic. A typical unit contains:
 presentation of the grammar structure by means of visual prompts
 simple, concise explanation of the grammar structures
 examples in everyday conversational English, together with a few expressions showing slightly more formal use
 exercises practicing the new structures, to help learners use correct, appropriate patterns in everyday situations
 speaking and writing activities to practice the new structures in oral and written form

Grammarway 1 - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

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Hot Topics 3 - Cheryl Pavlik

Название: Hot Topics 3.

Автор: Cheryl Pavlik.


Hot Topics 3 is different from other reading and discussion texts because it dares to deal with demanding subjects such as crime and religion. These topics have not been chosen to shock students, but merely to give them a chance to talk about matters that people discuss every day in their first languages. That said, not every topic will be appropriate for every classroom. Some themes such as the disabled will probably be acceptable in any classroom. Others such as mental illness or prostitution might prove problematic in some teaching situations. To assist, each chapter in the Brief Contents is rated by the amount of controversy it is likely to cause. Of course, teachers should read the articles in each chapter carefully and decide if their students would feel comfortable having a discussion on a particular topic. Another way to determine which chapters to use in class might be to have students look through the book and then vote
on specific topics they are interested in reading and discussing. And finally, even though the chapters at the beginning of each book are generally easier than the chapters at the end, the text has been designed so that chapters can be omitted entirely or covered in a different order.

Hot Topics 3 - Cheryl Pavlik

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Hot Topics 1 - Cheryl Pavlik

Название: Hot Topics 1.

Автор: Cheryl Pavlik.


In the 30 years that I have been in English language training (ELT), I have despaired of the lack of stimulating reading texts, accompanied by activities written specifically to energize and inspire the mature English learner. Why aren't many ESL reading texts sufficient? Although ESL learners may not yet have mastered English syntax, they still have interests beyond the mundane, and they certainly have ample reasoning ability. And while many reading texts are written about subjects of broad appeal, virtually all of them avoid topics that are deemed "too controversial" for the classroom setting. Unfortunately, many of those neglected topics are of great interest and relevance to adult lives. By steering course themes away from controversy, the instrucror also steers students away from motivating and stimulating topics.

Hot Topics 1 - Cheryl Pavlik

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Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь - Кунин А.В.

Название: Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь.

Автор: Кунин А.В.


Словарь содержит около 20 тыс. фразеологических единиц. Включены все широко употребительные в английском языке фразеологизмы.

Словарь снабжен многочисленными иллюстрациями из произведений английских и американских классиков и современных писателей с указанием автора и произведения.

Словарь рассчитан на лиц, читающих английскую и американскую художественную и научную литературу, прессу, на переводчиков, научных работников, преподавателей, студентов и аспирантов. Он может также служить пособием для английского читателя, изучающего русский язык, а также для английских специалистов, занимающихся переводами на русский.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь - Кунин А.В.

Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь - Кунин А.В.

Большой англо-русский словарь - Адамчик Н.В.

Название: Большой англо-русский словарь.

Автор: Адамчик Н.В.


   Словарь содержит 100 000 слов и выражений современного английского языка, общеупотребительную английскую и американскую лексику, большое количество специальной лексики, фразеологии, пословиц и поговорок, слова, появившиеся в современном английском языке за последние десятилетия, географические названия и имена.
   Словарь рассчитан на читателей с разной степенью подготовки.

Большой англо-русский словарь - Адамчик Н.В.

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2025-01-09 15:16:36