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Barron s How to Prepare for the TOEFL - Pamela J. Sharpe

Название: Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFL

Автор: Pamela J. Sharpe.


This new 11th edition offers complete and up-to date preparation for the Paper-Based TOEFL and the Computer-Based TOEFL, with a preview of the Next Generation TOEFL test. There is extensive practice—even for students who don’t have access to a computer. The manual includes a review chapter for each section of the TOEFL, including the new Speaking Section, and presents nine full-length model tests for the Computer-Based TOEFL, with questions answered and explained, along with one full-length model test for the Next Generation TOEFL and a practice test for the TOEFL Academic Speaking Test (TAST), with example answers. The optional compact disc-and-book package provides the audio versions for the Listening Comprehension sections of all model tests. The CD-ROM package presents a practice TOEFL exam in a computer adaptive format, in addition to eight on-screen model tests for the Computer-Based TOEFL and one on-screen model test for the Next Generation TOEFL. The audio compact discs, or cassette tapes may be purchased as separate items.

Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFL - Pamela J. Sharpe

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Advanced Grammar in Use - Martin Hewings

Название: Advanced Grammar in Use

Автор: Martin Hewings.


There are 100 units in the book. Each one looks at a particular area of grammar. Some sections within each unit focus on the particular use of a grammatical pattern, such as wilt be + -ing (as in will be traveling). Others explore grammatical contrasts, such as whether to use would or used to to report past events, or when we use except or except for. The 100 units are grouped under a number of headings such as Tenses and The future. You can rind details of this in the Contents pages.

Advanced Grammar in Use - Martin Hewings

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A Communicative Grammar of English - Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik

Название: A Communicative Grammar of English.

Автор: Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik.


A Communicative Grammar of English is a new kind of grammar. In writing it, we have assumed that studying grammar, for the overseas student, makes most sense if one starts with the question 'How can I use grammar to communicate?'. Thus the main part of the book is devoted to the USES of grammar, rather than to grammatical STRUCTURE.

The book is intended primarily for the fairly advanced student, for example the first-year university student. If you are such a student you will have studied English grammar in one form or another already, but here we offer you a hew perspective on the subject, which relates grammatical structure systematically to meanings, uses and situations. In this way we hope you will improve and extend the range of your communicative skill in the language. The book also supplies the essential information about grammatical forms and structures which you will need, and can therefore be used as a general reference book or sourcebook on English grammar.

A Communicative Grammar of English - Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik

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Oxford Guide to English Grammar - John Eastwood

Название: Oxford Guide to English Grammar.

Автор: John Eastwood.


The Oxford Guide to English Grammar is a systematic account of grammatical forms and the way they are used in standard British English today. The emphasis is on meanings and how they govern the choice of grammatical pattern.

The book is thorough in its coverage but pays most attention to points that are of importance to intermediate and advanced learners of English, and to their teachers. It will be found equally suitable for quick reference to details and for the more leisured study of broad grammar topics.

A useful feature of the book is the inclusion of example texts and conversations, many of them authentic, to show how grammar is used in connected writing and in speech.

Oxford Guide to English Grammar - John Eastwood

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Oxford Phrasal Verbs dictionary for learners of English

Название: Oxford Phrasal Verbs dictionary for learners of English.


The dictionary contains study pages which give students further guidance on learning and using phrasal verbs, and photocopiable exercises which can be used for classroom or individual practice.
At the back of the dictionary is an invaluable guide to the meaning of the adverbs and prepositions which are used to form phrasal verbs.

Oxford Phrasal Verbs dictionary for learners of English.

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Practical English Usage, Swan M.

Название: Practical English Usage - 3rd Edition.

Автор: Michael Swan.


The world's most trusted guide to problems in English - now in a new edition.
A dictionary of problem points in the English language as encountered by learners and their teachers. Common problems are solved with practical, clear information in over 600 entries.
Who is it for?
Teachers of English.
Higher-level students of English (working alone or in class).
Key features
Thoroughly revised following extensive research with current users of the book.
New features make it easier for users to find their way around the book.
All the most popular entries are retained, but almost all the entries have been modified to make them clearer and more effective in solving readers' problems.
Explanations and examples now based on current corpus research.
New entries on 'Kinds of English', covering standard English and dialects, correctness, spoken and written English, formality, and variation and change.

Practical English Usage - 3rd Edition - Michael Swan

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The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT

Название: The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT.


The Official TOEFL Prep Guide is the only authorized guide to the all-new TOEFL scheduled to be introduced in North America and Europe in Fall 2005 and elsewhere in 2006. The TOEFL is an admission criterion at virtually all English-speaking U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities for students whose first language is not English. In addition to actual TOEFL questions for practice, you will get detailed explanations of what is being tested in each section and how each section is structured, plus expert tips on how to ace every speaking and writing task. You will learn how to construct a good answer and how to integrate speaking, listening, and writing skills. The companion audio CD offers an unparalleled opportunity to prepare for the listening portions of the test.

The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT

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Read and Understand 4 - Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok

Название: Read and Understand 4.

Автор: Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok.


Read and Understand is a series of four workbooks written for secondary or intermediate students who want to improve their reading comprehension skills. The 15 reading texts in each of the two lower-level books deal with social and contemporary issues of interest to teenagers. Each of the two upper-level books contains 20 reading passages covering a range of highly interesting topics written in different text types.

Every unit begins with three or four Pre-Reading Questions to encourage students to think about issues related to the topic. The questions are designed for students lo work in pairs or small groups to develop their ability to make predictions and to understand information by drawing on their own knowledge and experience.

The Vocabulary Study section makes it convenient for students to look up the meanings of words and phrases highlighted in the reading passage.

Read and Understand 4 - Betty Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mok

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