
Cambridge English For Schools, Workbook Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Workbook Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

   Cambridge English for Schools is a new approach to English, designed especially for young students.
The course features:
• a communicative, task-based approach
• content and concept which reflect students' own lives, interests and studies
• an approach which is effective with mixed-ability classes
• a clearly-structured, active approach to grammar
• regular revision and evaluation
• integrated project work, including the ‘Parcel of English' scheme
• learner choice, decision-making and autonomy
The Workbook is designed for self-study use, to complement work covered in the classroom.
The accompanying optional Workbook Cassette gives additional listening and pronunciation practice.

Cambridge English For Schools, Workbook Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English For Schools, Workbook Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student's Book Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Фрагмент из книги:
A Parcel of English is something you can make to describe your school and where you live. You can include photographs, postcards, maps, recipes - almost anything. You can send your parcel to another class and receive a parcel from them. Cambridge University Press can link you to another school.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student's Book Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Фрагмент из книги:
Look at the cover.
Work alone or with a partner. Look at the cover of this book. What things can you see on it? Make a list. Can you guess what topics are in the book?
Compare your ideas with the class.
Read the book review about this book.
Can you complete the gaps with the missing information?
Look at the pictures in the book review. Which Units do they come from? (Hint: the contents page will help you.).
Can you answer the quiz about the book?

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Starter Student’s Book, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Starter Student’s Book, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

   Cambridge English for Schools is a new approach to English, designed especially for young students.
The course features:
• a communicative, task-based approach
• content and concepts which reflect students’ own lives, interests and studies
• an approach which is effective with mixed-ability classes
• a clearly-structured, active approach to grammar
• regular revision and evaluation
• learner choice, decision-making and autonomy
The Starter level of Cambridge English for Schools is for complete beginners. It is followed by levels 1-4.

Cambridge English For Schools, Starter Student’s Book, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English For Schools, Starter Student’s Book, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student's Book Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Фрагмент из книги:
There are about 20,000 different kinds of butterfly. They are easy to see because they have very bright colours. They fly during the day and sleep at night. They live where they can find plants to eat. They do a useful job. They carry the powder - the pollen - which plants make and exchange to grow more plants. Butterflies have a very short life. They usually live for only a few weeks.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student's Book Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Workbook Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Workbook Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Фрагмент из книги:
The Sahara desert is one of the driest and hottest parts of the world. There, temperatures can rise to 55°C at mid-day. It is a very difficult place to live in. but it is home for the Tuareg people. They share the desert with wild animals such as elephants, snakes and lizards. The Tuaregs look after their goats.
For many years, the Tuaregs moved from place to place. In the past, the rain came every July and the Tuaregs, their goats, the elephants and other wild animals moved to the rivers and water holes. Every year, at the same time, the Tuaregs went to the markets to buy and sell camels and buy food for their journies. This was the way the Tuareg people lived.

Cambridge English For Schools, Workbook Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English For Schools, Workbook Two, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book One, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book One, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

   Cambridge English for Schools 1 has three parts for you, the student. There is a Student’s Book, a Workbook and a Workbook Cassette.
This book has six Themes. Match the letter to the name.One name is not there. What is it?
Look through the book. What can you learn about in Cambridge English for Schools 1? Tell the class your ideas.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book One, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book One, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.

   The development of this course lias been a large part of our lives for well over six yean. During this time, we have become indebted to literally thousands of people who have so generously shared their time, skills and experience. In particular, we appreciate the constructive advice of the numerous teachers and students who helped with our initial classroom research and with the piloting, the readers and the language teaching specialists. The final version owes much to their enthusiastic involvement.

Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English For Schools, Student’s Book Three, Littlejohn A., Hicks D.
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