Complete Advanced, Progress Tests, Brook-Hart G., Haines S., 2014.
Фрагмент из книги.
I’d like to look more like Indiana Jones. Who wouldn’t? Looking into the mirror, I see a work in progress. I had plastic surgery a couple of years back and it’s made such a difference. I had a brilliant surgeon and I think he’s done a pretty good job; nothing looks unnatural like some of those horror stories you hear about. It just gives you this feeling of success, like you’re a winner. I am in my seventies now, but I reckon I look twenty years’ younger. I tried the gym once – hated it – and I don’t particularly watch what I eat. I prefer plain food: bread and cheese is perfect. In terms of dress sense, I alternate between informal or very dressed up. If I could choose one look, it would be thirties Hollywood movies, so classy, don’t you think? A lot of this is for other people’s benefit. It’s only polite to look your best on a dinner date.