This book aims to provide complete coverage of the grammar and vocabulary needed for success in the Cambridge English: Advanced, also known as the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE). Regular exam practice is provided throughout the book.
Units 1-25 present grammar in context followed by a detailed analysis of the language for advanced learners of English. Units 26-45 extend vocabulary knowledge - including of collocations and idioms - and introduce ways of studying vocabulary which will help you pass the exam.

The future.
Future continuous, future perfect and future perfect continuous.
We use the future continuous (will + be + present participle) to talk about something predicted to happen at a particular time or over a particular period in the future:
I'll be studying really hard during the semesters.
We use the future perfect (will + have + past participle) to make a prediction about an action we expect to be completed by a particular time in the future:
By the time you come I'm sure I'll have got to know the city really well.
We use the future perfect continuous (will + have been + present participle) to emphasise the duration of an activity in progress at a particular point in the future:
When I come to see you, you’ll have been living in California for nearly six months.
We can also use the future continuous, future perfect and future perfect continuous to say what we believe or imagine to be true:
Dad won't be using his car, so I'm sure it's okay to borrow it. (= an activity happening now or at a particular point in the future)
They’ll have forgotten what I look like. (= an event that took place before now or before a particular point in the future)
My plane's been delayed. Daniel and Susanna will have been waiting for me at the airport for hours. (= an activity continuing to now)
Be to + infinitive.
Be to + infinitive is commonly used:
• in news reports:
Extra lifeguards are to be posted at the beach after a shark was seen close to the shore.
• to talk about formal plans, and rules or instructions:
Students are to hand in project reports at the end of semester two. (active)
Project reports are to be handed in at the ena of semester two. (passive)
We only use am/islare to + infinitive to talk about future events that people can control:
The weather will still be warm even in winter, (not The weather is still to be warm.)
We often use be to + infinitive in if-clauses when we mean 'in order to':
If she is to get a good grade in her project report, she needs to work on her statistics. (= in order to get a good grade, she needs to work on her statistics).
Exam summary.
Map of the book.
Unit 1 Tenses.
Unit 2 The future.
Unit 3 Modals (1).
Unit 4 Modals (2).
Unit 5 Nouns, agreement and articles.
Unit 6 Determiners and quantifiers.
Unit 7 Adverbs and adjectives.
Unit 8 Comparison.
Unit 9 Verb patterns (1).
Unit 10 Verb patterns (2).
Unit 11 Relative clauses (1).
Unit 12 Relative clauses (2).
Unit 13 Adverbial clauses.
Unit 14 Conditionals.
Unit 15 Participle, to-infinitive and reduced clauses.
Unit 16 Noun clauses.
Unit 17 Conjunctions and connectors.
Unit 18 The passive.
Unit 19 Reporting.
Unit 20 Substitution and ellipsis.
Unit 21 Word order and emphasis.
Unit 22 Nominalisation.
Unit 23 It and there.
Unit 24 Complex prepositions and prepositions after verbs.
Unit 25 Prepositions after nouns and adjectives.
Unit 26 Cities.
Unit 27 Personal history.
Unit 28 The arts.
Unit 29 Migrations.
Unit 30 Risking it.
Unit 31 Gender issues.
Unit 32 Education.
Unit 33 Health.
Unit 34 Getting about.
Unit 35 Moods.
Unit 36 Fame and fortune.
Unit 37 Relationships.
Unit 38 'lime off.
Unit 39 Media.
Unit 40 The world of work.
Unit 41 Economics and business.
Unit 42 The living world.
Unit 43 Personal contact.
Unit 44 The environment.
Unit 45 Science and technology.
Answer key.
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