Complete Advanced Second Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for the revised Cambridge English: Advanced exam (Common European Framework of Reference level C1).
Reading and Use of English.
As a wanner Ask students: Do you think the world would be a better place if everyone spoke just a few languages such as English, Spanish or Chinese? Why (not)?
If you wish, treat Exercise 1 as a whole-class discussion. Ask students to support their ideas with reasons and examples.
Tell students that when they do the exam task, they will either have to find one text which expresses the same opinion or attitude as another, or one text which expresses a different opinion or attitude from the three others. To do this, it is important to read and understand the opinions and attitudes expressed in each text before they approach the questions in the task. The questions in Exercise 2 are intended to help them understand the texts, but do not form part of the exam task.
1 Our people.
2 Mastering languages.
Vocabulary and grammar reviews Units 1 and 2.
3 All in the mind.
4 Just the job!.
Vocabulary and grammar reviews Units 3 and 4.
5 Dramatic events.
6 Picture yourself.
Vocabulary and grammar reviews Units 5 and 6.
7 Leisure and entertainment.
8 Media matters.
Vocabulary and grammar reviews Units 7 and 8.
9 At top speed.
10 A lifelong process.
Vocabulary and grammar reviews Units 9 and 10.
11 Being somewhere else.
12 The living world.
Vocabulary and grammar reviews Units 11 and 12.
13 Health and lifestyle.
14 Moving abroad.
Vocabulary and grammar reviews Units 13 and 14.
More teacher support.
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