We are writing to you to introduce the new edition of Focus, our five-level course for upper secondary students. As writers, it is always a privilege to be invited to ‘have another go’ and we are grateful to our publisher Pearson for giving us this opportunity. At the same time, we are particularly wary of introducing change for change’s sake. ’If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ is a maxim we set great store by. In our own classrooms, we are still using ideas and teaching techniques that we learnt early on in our careers. Why? Because they still work.

As the linguist and academic Rod Ellis reminds us, motivation in second language learning is derived from getting meanings across successfully. We are strongly opposed to mechanistic practice and drills where form dominates and meaning is irrelevant. If you ask your students to choose the correct quantifier in the question: How much/many petrol is there in the car? I’m sure most of them will correctly choose much. But they might also legitimately wonder whose car we are talking about. And then think, ’But I don’t have a car. I’ve never bought petrol in my life. I can’t even drive …’ Why not ask them to choose the correct quantifier in this question: How much/many water do you drink? Then, when they have chosen the correct quantifier, they can at least ask their partner the question. Information is exchanged; students practise their speaking; the exercise is meaningful, not meaningless. This is one tiny example of an approach to learning that we passionately believe in. Don’t practice language for the sake of it. Language exists to make meanings, and our learning materials should reflect this.
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