Фрагмент из книги.
In the 1950s, African Americans were second-class citizens. In the South, they had to sit at the back of buses and give up their seats for whites. A courageous schoolgirl called Claudette Colvin challenged this unjust discrimination.

The Roseto Effect.
The small town of Roseto, in Pennsylvania, puzzled doctors in the 1950s: while heart attacks were an epidemic in the USA, there was hardly a Rosetan below 65 suffering from heart disease. At that time, heart disease prevention didn’t exist - cholesterollowering drugs were to appear many years later. Additionally, there was no suicide, no alcoholism and very little crime in Roseto. People were dying of old age.
Researchers concluded that the secret was the community itself. The town had been founded by immigrants from one area in Italy and, even years later, researchers saw a very closely-knit community where people looked after each other. Rosetans visited each other and frequently organised community celebrations. The households consisted of three generations: old people could be certain that, when they grew old, their experience would be valued and they were going to be respected. Interestingly, their lifestyles were not ideal: the men smoked and drank alcohol and peoples diet was high in fat. But the social network they had created protected them from the pressures of the modern world and its lifestyle-related diseases.
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