The book presents and practises the kind of vocabulary that is used in academic speech and writing regardless of which discipline you are concerned with. So it considers words and expressions like concept, cast doubt on, put forward a theory and come to a conclusion. It does not deal with the specialist vocabulary of any particular subject such as medicine or physics. Such specialist terms are often relatively easy to master - they will be explained and taught as you study the subject and these words may indeed sometimes be similar in English and your own language. However, it is the more general words used for discussing ideas and research and for talking and writing about academic work that you need to be fully familiar with in order to feel comfortable in an academic environment. Despite the fact that they are much more frequent than specialist words, these more general words are often felt to be more difficult to learn. It is, therefore, extremely useful to approach them in the systematic way suggested by this book.

How do I use from, about and of?
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
I a My dad's got a radio of the 1950s.
b My dad’s got a radio from the 1950s.
2 a I'm really happy about your news.
b I'm really happy of your news.
We use from to talk about:
• the place of origin: / really want a penfriend from another country.
• (he distance away: My flat is about fifteen minutes from the centre of town.
• the start of a period of time: I will be free from I pm to 6 pm.
• the time of origin: I have an old bicycle from the 1980s.
• the start of a journey: Take the number 10 bus from the bus station.
We use about in the following expressions:
• to he happy/glad/excited about (your visit, the weekend, your news, etc.)
• to read/talk/think/learn/know about (rhe job. computers, other countries, etc.)
• to tell someone about (some interesting places, your life, your trip, etc.).
1 When do I use full stops and when do I use commas?.
2 When must I use I?.
3 When can I use an apostrophe before s (’s)?.
Test 1.
4 Do I need a in this sentence?.
5 A or the?.
6 Do I need the in this sentence?.
Test 2.
7 How do I talk about age?.
8 How do I say the time and the date?.
9 When do I add s to verbs?.
Test 3.
10 When do I add ed to verbs?.
11 I did or I have done?.
12 For and since.
Test 4.
13 When do I use I am doing?.
14 When do I use I wilt!.
15 How do I form questions?.
Test 5.
16 There and it/they.
17 Plural and uncountable nouns.
18 When do I use much and many?.
Test 6.
19 Like, would like and want.
20 Da or to do?.
21 When do I use doing after verbs?.
Test 7.
22 Other, others, another and each other.
23 One and ones.
24 Old, older, the oldest.
Test 8.
25 When do I use capital letters with people and places?.
26 How do I use at and in with places?.
27 How do I use by and in/on with means of transport?.
Test 9.
28 When do I use at, in and on with time expressions?.
29 How do I use from, about and of?.
30 Do I need for in this sentence?.
Test 10.
Answer key.
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