We are writing to you to introduce the new edition of Focus, our five-level course for upper secondary students. As writers, it is always a privilege to be invited to ‘have another go’ and we are grateful to our publisher Pearson for giving us this opportunity. At the same time, we are particularly wary of introducing change for change’s sake. ’If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ is a maxim we set great store by. In our own classrooms, we are still using ideas and teaching techniques that we learnt early on in our careers. Why? Because they still work.

Focus Second Edition includes elements of Assessment for Learning methodology. The aim is to enhance learning by supporting students in understanding what they know and what they need to do next, making them active in their own learning. At the same time, using Assessment for Learning helps teachers to understand where their students are in their learning and make decisions about how to help students improve.
When we talk about Assessment for Learning, we're really talking about assessing students formatively, watching and listening to our students to see how far they understand and using this to help decide what we need to do next. This can be during any activity in class or using a test from the Assessment Package.
In Focus Second Edition, a handful of Assessment for Learning techniques and activities have been integrated into each unit to give students an awareness of what and how they are learning and give you, the teacher, lots of opportunities to assess how each student is doing.
Each unit starts with a thought-provoking quote linked to the topic of the unit to get students thinking about the theme as a whole, as well as help them remember any topic vocabulary that they already know. The SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW section at the start of the unit reinforces this and helps all students start from a confident beginning.
Focus 1 Unit walkthrough.
Focus 1 Component overview.
Using videos in the classroom.
Assessment Package.
Assessment for learning, GSE and 21st-century skills.
Mediation in Focus Second Edition.
How to teach with projects.
Focus Second Edition and Readers.
How to flip the classroom with Focus.
Focus 1 Student's Book with answer key.
Unit 0.
Unit 1.
Unit 2.
Unit 3.
Unit 4.
Unit 5.
Unit 6.
Unit 7.
Video worksheets.
Grammar focus reference and practice.
Workbook answer key.
Culture notes.
Student's Book audioscript.
Photocopiable resources.
Life skills photocopiable resources.
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