For a generation who grew up with avocado in the sandwich they bought at Pret A Manger, or who dipped into a giant bowl of guacamole at a Super Bowl party, or stopped at their local coffee shop for an espresso and a slice of avocado toast, the avocado must seem as though it has always been there. Such is its ubiquity today. But as little as one hundred years ago, the avocado was scarcely known outside of its ancestral homeland in the verdant valleys of Michoacan.

In the Beginning.
Avocados are in the Laureceae or laurel family. Laureceae are basal angiosperms, which are one of the oldest groups of flowering plants on the planet, dating back over 100 million years. Laurels have been notable plants for millennia, and the terms laurels and laureate denote excellence. The terms poet laureate and baccalaureate derive from the name of the laurel tree. The sweet bay, or bay laurel, has the Latin name Laurus nobilius, or noble laurel. The laurel family, which is in the order Ranales, includes several trees that are culinarily and economically important, including cinnamon, sassafras, cassia, sweet bay, California bay and camphor. Avocados are the most economically important of them all.
Botanically, avocados are in the genus Persea, and are probably the most familiar plant in that plant family for the majority of people. The earliest Persea evolved on the first supercontinent, Gondwanaland. As the early supercontinents formed and broke up, Persea migrated with various smaller landmasses and travelled with what became Africa and Europe as well as North and South America. Examples of Persea are still found in various places around the world, but they thrived particularly in the landmasses that became North and South America, prospering in the warm, moist climatic conditions of the subtropics on these continents.
1 The History of the Avocado.
2 Growing Avocados.
3 Selling an Odd, but Nutritious, Fruit.
4 Eating Avocados and Other Uses.
Appendix: Types of Avocado.
Further Reading.
Websites and Associations.
Photo Acknowledgements.
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